Is junkertown still a map

so i know that my anecdotal evidence isn’t real evidence but i play 4 hours a day everyday and i have not gotten junkertown in the past 18 days. I don’t even want the map i just wanna know if it still exists.


I think it’s bugged in comp rn.

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It’s not in comp, but it exists in qp/arcade

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Have they given any reason why it’s that way?

I just keep hearing that it’s crashing in comp. :woman_shrugging:


shhhhh don’t tell them

I haven’t seen it in Quickplay in forever and I play like 10-20 matches per day. Am I just really unlucky?


I had a match on it quick play classic today, so probably

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I think its still disabled for comp and (maybe) Quickplay because of the bug that crashed the game

Its still there for the other modes (Ex: Total mayhem)


It’s not in Competitive and in Quick Play either because of some sort of bug? Something about crashing , not 100% sure what it is tho.

I haven’t seen it either, and I play about the same amount as you.

I haven’t either and its a pity because its one of my favourites and plays quite uniquely so im missing it a lot.