Is it wierd to find Rammatra attractive?

Bring out the gimp :zipper_mouth_face:

Rammatra has got an interesting, if very stereotypical bad guy-sounding heavily modulated voice synthesizer, sure, but does he wink at you when you click on him in the hero select menu? (Can he even wink?) Or grin? To see if heā€™s being friendly, sly, or showing evil intent? Are you sure what you actually feel is attraction to a cold, soulless humanoid tin can with a drawn on smiley face?

In terms of keeping to the theme of killer robots, consider the T-800, T-1000, and T-X terminators (to name some examples), each of which could express all the above while also doing their job protecting another or spelling humanityā€™s doom for Skynet. I argue those are important factors alongside the fact they possess sexy athletic builds (and being very humanoid at that) which contributes immensely to their alluring traits.

It is not to say that a robotā€™s actions and voicing (or beeping) canā€™t stir up oneā€™s affections for them over their innocence when one is shown some very human-relatable injustices they face and their plight for trying exist in the wake of their kindā€™s legacy. Bastion in his short does so with flying colors, and I can definitely sympathize with him (to the point of defending), but at the same time, I wouldnā€™t call him ā€œattractive.ā€ He is just a beeping box with a blinking light, which lacks the ability to make proper human facial expressions. The same is true about Rammatra.

Why did you feel the need to use an offensive word?? Joking about someone being disabled is ableism?? Wtf is wrong with you??

Canā€™t i be horny in peace and have fun?? Why do ppl always have to ruin everything!

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Whoa, who are you to say that masochists are disabled? Shame!

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It literally means this:

a physically disabled person

/ (É”ÉŖmp) / noun. US and Canadian offensive, slang a physically disabled person, esp one who is lame. slang a sexual fetishist who likes to be dominated and who dresses in a leather or rubber body suit with mask, zips, and chains.

I have no issues with ppl with dom fetish or whatever but it is offensive

Ok, at first I thought you were playing along and being funny; you very well knew how I meant it, get off your high horse bud. :slight_smile:

Playing along with what?? Joking about disabled ppl and using a literal offensive word isnā€™t funny and something to joke about??

This whole community is just weirdā€¦And thats not a compliment

Youā€™re the first person on here that Iā€™ve seen take offense to that word in that way, lol. And I was quoting a movie too. But I guess letā€™s ban that word too; a word used CONSTANTLY on hereā€¦

I think hank hill from king of the hill is a masochist.
He always talks about selling pro pain accessories.

Some people are so pc, that they hate every letter in the alphabet that is not ā€˜zā€™.

Iā€™ve never really watched that show.

Quite opposite, Hank is selling pro pain to other people.
Also i truly love the fan made pics of him as pro wrestler or in 40k etc delivering said pain.

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I mean, I wonā€™t kink shame, but a relationship with him, or any Omnic, is tantamount to claiming you have an intimate relationship with an adult toy.

tc is in love with a robot :thinking:

To be fair D.Va canonically thinks bob is super cute so it wouldnā€™t be to strange in the world of Overwatch.

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Itā€™s not weirdā€¦hold up one secā€¦

yes officerā€¦this one right here

not weird at all