I feel like Zarya and D.Va should be in the tank since they peel and help keep your team alive.
Compared to Roadhog and Hammond.
I feel like Zarya and D.Va should be in the tank since they peel and help keep your team alive.
Compared to Roadhog and Hammond.
Tbh, I wouldn’t expect this idea to happen any time soon anyways. Like maybe not for another 10-12 months.
I’m much more happy with this idea in the foreseeable future.
Still didn’t fix D.Va. We’ve had small defense matrix changes and they didn’t help her.
And also, Sigma doesn’t need buffs, he’s better than zarya and he’s becoming meta.
D.Va is officially the last picked tank in masters and 2nd to last pick in gm
I just feel that both Zarya and DVA are played to DPS, sure they peel, but DPS peels as well. Soldier? Snipers usually go find a place on their own, so not with the group. DVA shield is a self shield only… yes it projects about 2 meters out… but it lasts what? 4 seconds? 5? its range is terrible. Zarya has to place her shield on you, but rarely do they, again, they are offensive toons, so they should be categorized as Damage… i like the example the first guy posted, a 4th class or hybrids… but keep them out of the tank role.
Well, Tracer pulse bomb does 350 damage.
Can you imagine what would happen with a 350hp Sigma, 350hp Orisa, and 400hp Reinhardt?
Dive would be back in business.
I have another idea.
Let’s get rid of the true tanks and just have the bruiser category.
Main tank is really unpopular. Even among tanks, it’s mostly a role that you do because you have to. Most tanks want to play off tank. And main tanks, honestly, feel a little bit BS to play into. They have excessive advantages.
The main tanks could be reworked into bruisers pretty easily.
Yes! it’s gaining traction! Here’s it included in a Full rework of Doomfist, if you wanna see it.
They should separate flankers as well.