Is it less skilled teammates or harder opponents?

To make the matches harder does the game give me “less skilled teammates” or harder opponents or… both?

Just curious.



To match YOUR consistent performance, the game balances by matching 1 (or 2) enemies on the opposite team to try and counteract your performance.

Similarly, your teammates will be at skill level (insert MMR value) to account for the 50% chance of winning.

Edit: NGL, you’ve asked this same question so many times (and its been answered by people on both sides so many times) that you’re starting to make me question your resolve/beliefs.


Maybe is been awhile I need a reminder.

How can it find less skilled people in the same rank as me?

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Kinda toxic (as I’ve outlined to you previously).

I mean… You’re silver, gold, doesn’t matter.

You’re within a certain SR range. That leaves a LARGE deviation for the system to use to find players within a certain performance metric (gauged by MMR) to make your matches with.

The game looks at your performance and the performance of potential teammates readily available within your SR range.

If you guys have similar MMR, it compares you to the team its assembling to oppose you. Working with the analyzed data, it attempts to create a match that has a 50% chance for either team to dig deep and claim victory.

Your assumption is that skill is ubiquitous across a rank and it is not.

  • That’s not how Overwatch is designed.

Heroes like Cree, Hanzo, Widow, etc. take a higher level of mechanical skill to perform on but “generally” less game sense, where as heroes like Junkrat, Symm and Pharah are much more game sense intensive as you need to time your engagements correctly or lay your traps in the right positions, etc. to get the same value that McCree would by flash bang + right clicking someone.

Essentially, you can have a Gold Hitscan player and a Gold Junkrat player who are both gold. But their understanding of the game, their role in the game and how they approach the game are not at all the same.

Edit: So for example, a Gold McCree player (at 2100 SR) might put out the same amount of value as a gold Junkrat player (at 2300 SR) because the junk player needs to work a little harder to provide the same value as a Cree who just points and clicks.


Is that bad balancing? And of course YOUR perception. Junk rat might be 1 star and hanzo and widow be 3. So not sure if the hero balance team would agree.

I’m not entirely sure I understand your original question, but if I understand you correctly you are asking why matches get harder as you rank up. If I’m wrong about that, this reply will be less useful to you and I apologize.

There are two levels at which things are happening in terms of matches feeling harder and/or more frustrating. The first is that as you rank up you are placed into the matches that the people of that rank are placed into. So if you rank from gold to plat, say, you will begin being placed in plat matches rather than gold matches. And the players in plat are the ones who won most of their gold matches. So it’s almost as though they took all the winners from those gold matches and said ‘you guys have to play each other now.’ (Meanwhile all of the losers of those gold matches are now playing each other in silver and the folks who won as much as they lost are all playing each other in those same gold lobbies.)

That’s the first bit (although it’s even more complicated than this because the player base is improving over time, so even the people stuck at the same level are improving- just not as fast as those who rank up).

The second bit is how the players within a given match are divvied up. And this is where the ‘getting worse teammates’ bit comes in. (Although I think that phrasing is probably more confusing than illuminating.) All 6 of the best players in any given lobby are not going to go on the same team. And there is some variance in the skill of the players in any given lobby. They may all be plat or all be diamond or all be bronze, but some of them are closer to the top of the plat range and some are closer to the bottom.

So, if you are the best player in the lobby, you will get teammates who are worse than you on your team. You’ll all be within some arbitrary skill range, but they won’t be as skilled as you. This is simply because the matchmaker tries not to stack any given match in the favor of one team or the other.

That’s really all it is. So as you rank up, you should expect to face more challenging competition. And you should expect stacked or lopsided matches to be more rare than roughly balanced matches. Sometimes that means that you are the best player in the lobby and your teammates aren’t quite as skilled as you. Sometimes that means that you are the worst player in your lobby and your teammates are more skilled than you.


I mean… Not really. Because Junkrat isn’t played the same way in GM as he is in Gold.

Hanzo isn’t played the same in GM as he is in Gold.


By throwing hard the games you know you can’t, or likely, won’t win. If you even think there is a smurf on the other team, throw… badly, shoot walls, get no kills, no healing, etc. You want to absolutely add nothing to the team, in any way in these games.

Stomping the other team? Same tactic. Your team will win without you in these games, so the point is to reduce your impact in these matches as well (reduce mmr increase).

There will be about 1 in 4 or 5 games that your input will matter. These are the games to go all out and swing it in your favor. The rest, shoot walls. It is better to be good at gaming the system then to learn be good at the game.

Effectively, you want to just barely win the matches that you can win, and hard fail the matches you can’t. That plays with the MMR the hardest, and gives you the worst opponents on average with the best teammates average. Its all averages, which is what the entire matchmaker is based on, long term averages, with adjustments for short term swings, which is what you play against itself.


Gives you the same pool of people in your rank. You just can’t grasp that you are also playing like the people you call ‘bad’


You all think you’re better than you really are and it shows. I’m only a masters player and I can consistently get out of all of your ranks with hardly trying, you just don’t understand the game at all. Simple


The times you have, how much SR do you get per win, and how many games does it take before PBSR has kicked in?

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At the beginning of a Competitive match, if your team’s combined SR rating is higher than the enemy team’s, that means there is someone on your team way underskilled on the average of the team, in order to offset the 1 player that has a much higher SR than the team’s average.

And usually, that 1 person with the high SR on the team does not have the skill to carry the person with the lowest SR on the team, in those situations.


Great questions. Time of day? Region? Ping? Solo-q?

I think people get offended when I ask these to “diminish” their skills, im not, u can work harder on the aim and awareness but meet me half way and please recognize those are factors that control “your” population. I still may not get to master or even close but if it helps me to avoid “less game sense” players or higher quality matches in all for it.

This rolls into another “issue” that I hark on.

I play tactical shooters, I understand high ground and peak shots. I still remember winning rounds in cs for shooting thru walls and getting kicked, but I hear peoples footsteps and now the exact angles from the other side of the wall. - what makes OW so &@$! special that some people “get it” and some people don’t? And… maybe I do(?) (despite obvious improvements from vods) but it finds folks just like me in gold to battle against - to keep me in gold?

Any how , why make a game that’s so hit or miss, and is there something the devs or the game itself help me?

Oh and please spare me the OW fanboy response. It’s a good game but a fps is still a fps shooter at the end of the day.

why do you think that you are important enough for the game to do anything around you? that’s some serious protagonist syndrome right there


both cause once you get to a certain point you hit the height of the bell curve and if you can’t basically break that curve you will keep going back down the bell curve.

edit: i know why i never will face better players its cause i havent/cant invest enough time right now in the game.

if you are like the folks in gold then you too belong in gold. the system is meant to have you where you belong, its not meant for you to always be climbing

you have to get better to climb and play above the rank

also there isnt a huge difference in skill in the lower ranks either man. you really love splitting hairs over the difference in a few SR at silver and gold when that difference is trivial


I’ve done it on various types of accounts on average starting in silver

On low level accounts, 100-200 sr per win is normal to see.

Mid level (100-200) I’ll get around 40 when on win streaks BUT that is only if the role im playing has been placed before and played a bunch. If it hasn’t been placed, more like 100-200 sr again.

High level, like 20 sr per loss, 25 on win, when on large win streaks it bumps up to 40.


I’ve done enough game design that the makers of the game usually want the gamers to succeed. Like any platform it’s designed to be beaten, patterns meant to be hard but figured out.

My assumption, I admit an assumption, if they make a game fps around strategies they would want the game community to actually learn and not for 1% to “know”. And as a gamer to learn and perfect the patterns to ascend to a higher level play. (Which why I also advocate reducing nominal decision making).

If people can repeatedly just go from bronze to masters (and I watched a few of them) they obviously know something. But just repeating what they do and still listen and apply and still not be able to take an old account to diamond - that’s where blaming the system comes in.

One aspect of the skill required to master OW that I think people often miss is high processing speed. There’s so much happening at OW in top tier games and players need to be able to correctly process it quickly in order to succeed.

And that’s not the same thing as aiming well or understanding positioning.

I mean, go into any top tier stream or vod of people like Yeatle or Emongg or Harbleu or Guru or whoever (I watch a lot of tank play, sue me) and they will instantly see and correctly process things before you even notice them. Sometimes you need to pause or rewind the vod just to see what they were noticing.

They will respond to things before you even know what they are responding to. And that’s only one of the aspects of the OW skill set at which they excel. OW requires so much of its players. Most players in gold still don’t know what they need to improve besides aiming or maybe positioning. The top tier players are the ones who are already analyzing their mistakes before the fight is even lost- they are simply processing more things simultaneously than other players and doing so quicker to boot.

Even if one is positioning and aiming as well as a top tier player, they still must process the same amount of information correctly in the moment as quickly as those top tier players do- very few people can do that.


Couple thangs… 1. Aren’t you the dude from the gmat test? Can’t the gmat be trained to get a higher score? I do believe some folks are special but we’re all varying degrees. But to help out that’s where training comes in.

  1. Game progression is the training.

So it’s like game does a sorrowful job of letting people at level 25, sticks you in the middle and does 0 training to even help you see what the developers vision of high level play.

It’s like starting you at level 50 after getting to level 25. Then by level 75 you can’t get passed. But you play hard monsters as your spells get weaker. Then you die die die back to the beginning of the act to start again only to do that over and over again.