Is it just me or Roadhog's footstep is too hard to hear?

You can see me stop shooting and look at the wall when i heard the footsteps and repositioned to wait for him.

Try doing this. Go to your audio settings and enable this option.

What this does is it makes loud sounds quieter and makes weak sounds louder, this ends up making footsteps a bit louder without blowing your ears out when you raise the volume.

It messes with your music, but for gaming it does help, atleast for my onboard audio.


Audio bug. Had a comp game where Reaper literally teleported behind me and ulted and I heard the sound cue for neither. On my screen I just died, only seeing the Reaper ult on the death cam.

Hogs steps where allwa s silenve to begin with.
You can hear a tracer a mile away… but Hog? Its like he is floating like Zenyatta

Audio in this game in general sucks, and has forever. I literally HATE mccree rn for that reason. So many times with a hyper x cloud headset on I just get flashed out of nowhere and die, which should not happen. Audio really needs a fix in this game.

This has been a problem for 3+ years now. They NEVER bothered to fix it. It’s actually kind of sad.


This, mostly. Overwatch has always been kind of notorious for excessively culling “unnecessary” SFX, such as those that should be muted by occlusion and/or distance.

Essentially, a wall in between you and a Hog some 4 meters away is sometimes enough to perfectly silence them.

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Audio occlusion bug has been in this game for quite some time, because they only got 5 priority sound channels that get clogged up by messy frontline fights all the time, which allows flankers and whatever to come to you silently. Notable examples being reaper, mccree and roadhog footsteps and pharah jets.

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Yeah, i hear my mercy’s footsteps wayy clearer than hoggies


Friendly reminder you used to hear Echo’s “footsteps” basically sounded like she was right on top of you even when she was a thousand miles away.

Oh yeah, only heroes I can hear coming are Reaper and McCree

Friendly Mercy stomping around is definitely louder than many enemies. :crazy_face:

Widowmaker too, but it’s less of an issue.


Yesterday I heard a Roadhog behind me, so I dropped down and find out they were actually on the floor below me and died to them. Anyone else? lol Maybe I was just mistaken.

It’s always been like this, for every hero. For some reason they went all out with making sure these one-shot heroes have very unique footsteps and fall flat of actually making them work in game. It’s super fun when Hog is suddenly right behind cause his footsteps just don’t play. I can her Widow’s heels from her spawn though so it’s all good (I guess)!


There’s definitely a problem where footsteps aren’t prioritized and simply don’t play

I agree that there are issues with the footsteps going on in the game and needs to be fixed.

Some say that there are sound bugs in the game that muffle the sounds sometimes. I say that players just can’t hear the Hog form their 29$ random-behind speakers while listening to music, as intended

The game often gives up on trying to play sounds from enemies who are behind you or out of your LOS. I saw a zen yesterday who was charging his secondary fire while constantly peeking around the corner and the sound kept playing and stopping.

I swear I used to be able to hear footsteps behind me clearly but it now feels… muddled? Like a mccree or roadhog will walk behind me and I’ll barely be able to hear em!

Jokes on you cuz I’m a sound designer, my earphone is dt770 pro, with US 366 as my audio interface.

It’s mediocre I know, but good enough to tell if something is wrong.

I’m aware of the audio bug posts and stuff by now so I know they’re very much real.

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