Is Hanzo the easier DPS character in the game?

If you play him like purely as a tankbuster spammer he is kind of not difficult and can also make you climb even to t500, but its the single most drab way to play him.
That said even in tankbuster mode he is far from the easiest dps hero.

Interms of actual aim duels he is way more tougher than soldier when not spamming chokes.

Good aim hanzos need to put a lot of work into him esp now with reduced arrow speed and more inconsistent he is in duels.

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Hanzo is one of the harder ones, with McCree, Ashe, Widow, point and click adventure, easy, Hanzo the only way you hit consistent shots is by playing and learning his projectile speed. And you have to learn multiple proj speeds, like half and no charge as well. I feel what makes or breaks a good Hanzo is hitting the half/no charge shots. Also using walls and map knowledge to your advantage. You can easily turn the tide of a duel by spamming wall climbs.

This guy in the video is the king of cheese, he is so disciplined playing like that it gets annoying :smile:

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Before his Arrow Speed nerf? Yeah, definitely.
After his Arrow Speed nerf? Absolutely not. Actually one of the hardest Dps to play.

Laughs in purple hacker

Ah… i see you are a man of culture as well…

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Aim, Postioning and Just Dive her If She is alone and has used Coach Gun and Dytimatie. Then She is easy claps.

Well, you have a hero that has unlimited arrow, his charge up is very quick and doesn’t affect his ability to OS, his arrows are quite big, his own hit box is skewed due to his bow, he can be played long to short range, has mobility, has an ability that punishes enemies that are too good at dodging.

He is a very forgiving hero in his nature and due to his “spammy” ability, losing a 1v1 or even randomly getting taken out of the match for another 10 seconds always feels horrible.

A lot of people talk about the difference between a “good” and “bad” Hanzo, but unless you’re terrible, you can still get good value out of him.

If hanzo is easier then mcree is the easiest I would say.

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Symmetra, torb and sombra are probably the easiest. Symmetra and torb have auto aim turret and sombra has no risk factor at all which her hack, infinite invisibility and tp

No. That’s Torbjorn.

Sombra might not be mechanically difficult but she’s one of the most difficult heroes in the game to master due to her high game sense and teamwork requirements. I don’t think any hero requires a great teamwork requirement. You see OWL players that haven’t played her much making mistakes that they get called out on by more experienced Sombra players, and the other night in league a player made a bad EMP and the caster was explaining to people that the player was greener and Sombra is widely considered one of the harder heroes because she doesn’t play like anything else.


Also Sombra is pretty risky. She may not risk her own life, but she risks the entire match in ways other heroes don’t because so much rides on her emp.

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They asked the easiest hero which usually mean skill floor, so sombra is one of them, sombra is difficult to master, so is every hero except brig and Moira.

At the floor, Sombra has the worst stats of nearly any hero.

She’s still easy on the dps category, easy doesn’t mean impactful

At the skill floor, ease of use absolutely does translate to impact. Perhaps not 1:1, but none of the easy heroes have both a low pick and winrate. Not one. In fact, skill floor and ceiling are, in part, measures of the amount of effort you have to put in to have impact. If Bronze Sombras have no impact, then Bronze is too low a floor before she starts being useful.

You’re conflating mechanics with skill floor, but there is more to both skill floor and ceiling than mechanics.

She’s arguably by far the worst hero in Bronze, with even a Bronze Widowmaker being able to perform better. Sombra doesn’t have any thing to rely on if you don’t have game sense. Because she has no burst damage. So getting kills with her isn’t easy. You can’t provide any healing. And none of her hacks are gonna end up useful if you’re always hacking at the wrong time, staying in stealth too long, etc.

Sombra is like Winston. They both might have easy mechanics, but they are deceptively high floor and ceiling.

hanzo one of the hardest dps since they nerfed his arrow speed, it’s so slows now.

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It’s not so easy. People are very spastic on PC .

Bob is considered the worst ult by pros. And even in diamond it gets deleted pretty much instantly.

But for lower ranks, sure bob is a good ult.

And il say it again even though everyone has, Hanzo is not low skilled. A projectile with an arch is not easy to land constantly.

It’s not that bad, the arrows hitbox is just a little absurd, still takes some skill to hit headshots