Is Hammond a scientist or engineer?

Blizzard said it was a very simple ai, when they had to tell people it was not an omnic. Which still makes me think omnics are born from reversed engineered alien technology and is totally different from regular human made ai.

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Except Winston designed Tracer’s chronal accelerator and things that play with time and time space dilation are firmly part of the quantum physics which is the “theoretical physics” branch of science


Junker queen had her voice “bugged” when they were about to introduce Hammond, but is fixed now.

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Yeah I thought the same thing

Hammond didn’t create the AI that’s in the mech, and the mech’s AI is really pretty simple compared to most of the other ones we’ve seen in Overwatch so far.


I bet that there are a lot of universal rodent translators Ais in the market.

Hammond can write, so therefore he can type - his AI is just glorified text-to-speech with a little bit of Siri/Alexa/Cortana thrown in.


He’s a hamster

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Genius of the year right here guys.

In other news, Winston is a monkey. Doesn’t mean science can’t do stuff to them.

no, he’s a gorilla

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Wait…I think we’re all missing the bigger picture here…Michael Chu, if Hammond didn’t create the AI for his Mech…then who did?


It’s still awesome though. The mech alone is one of my favorite characters on the roster.

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Its a market ai probably, hamster just kinda tweaked it just like the mech as a whole. He probably did not invent any of the stuff used to make his mech but he sure did “make it his own”