Is Gold the real elo hell?


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Every rank is the real Elo hell for someone, because Elo hell is a state of mind. We aren’t in Elo hell, we ARE Elo Hell.

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Really it’s just people get to a mechanical ceiling, reach their limit in understanding of the game, reach an intelligence limit and get outplayed, etc. The rank you belong at is ELO hell.


The rank you belong is not elo hell :slight_smile:

Its basicly ok place where you will get average results, wins and losses. Just your skill level so you should enjoy the games usualy.

Elo hell is only in heads of people blaming anything but them.


gold is weird.

some of the most stubborn dps players I’ve seen are here. i remember a game wherein we had a carry soldier on Lijiang tower, switched to McCree next round and just fed so we lost that round. then switched to roadhog final round and carried again.

i could at least breathe a sigh of relief when the spawn door opens and we have a main tank. i know it will not be a steamroll loss at least.

high plat is worse

Elo hell is a figment of the imagination, wherever one’s skill is no longer above those around them.

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I’ve played in everything but Masters and each rank is better and worse at some things.

Low Elo’s like Bronze and Silver are kinda fun. You can play almost anything and people know they ain’t great so people are less likely to get toxic.

Gold/Plat are kind of a toss up between awesome games or horrible games.

Diamond is awesome game wise. Good comps, ppl communicating, and stuff. The main issue is I guess the pressure of seeing Masters really makes a ton of ppl edgy and toxic. Intentional or not.

Self ana nades are either the sign of a bad Ana or one with bad habits due to not trusting healer #2 to have their back.


Yup, it also might be a force of habit, maybe the player is shifting from other healers. Another sign is a ‘new’ ana is being focused passive healing, the infamous “I healed you why didn’t you win?” mindset.

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I know this is an old/dead thread but you are mistaken, I solo queued up to 2400 on tank within hours from 2200, but I have been stuck there ever since no matter how good I play. In my opinion mid gold is easy to get through but low and high gold are the real problem areas.

Low gold because I constantly get bronze and silver teammates who just installed the game, and high gold because I for some reason get put in high plat/low diamond games when I’m there, and on console there is the problem of terrible balancing and smurfs.

On PC you meed to buy another copy of the game to make a smurf, but on console you can make 20+ smurfs within an hour or two, and I know people who have done this. Also, the Overwatch team neglects console players when balancing the game, as in, Pharah is pretty bad on PC but oppressive on console, and they just buff her on both platforms. My point is basically that maybe it’s a bit different on PC, but on console gold is definitely ELO Hell.



18 months = 2 years


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I was stuck at 1600 sr for months. However, after mastering ball, I climbed with a nearly 90 percent winrate to gold. Yes, the last 50 sr was a bit tough, but that is the case for all border ranks. Today I climbed over 100 sr more and am at 2.14k. I don’t know what place you’re talking about, but it wasn’t that bad and my dps were fine. Most didn’t even use comms!

Nope. It’s a tutorial.
Use your mic, mute criers, and play your best and you’ll climb eventually

Any rank below Diamond is “ELO hell.” These are the ranks where matches are handicapped with MMR. More details in my thread:

this is a 2 year post tbh

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Having smurf accounts to play with friends, gold is absolutely the worst so far. Every game comes down to who has the better tanks or smurf dps. It’s really that simple.

short answer yes , all below master are elo hell bc braindead bots in team
so just buy each season a new account