Is diamond high elo?

in your opinion diamond is high elo?

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it’s like the top 10%, I believe. The average in OW1 was Gold, now the average is Silver I think

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Was top 14% way back when they posted the distribution, with diamond making up 10% of that 14%.

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Bronze. Recently they said the majority is bronze due to the brand new playerbase coming in F2P.

There is no elo when the game fakes aim and hitboxes via DDA tech.

let alone not having working MM code or a ladder progression that can be audited.

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He’s kinda right, because there is a lag between MMR and “rank” - someone could be diamond with master MMR.

Case and point, playing on my alt in G1 I am getting diamond teammates… (still losing currently 4-5… just one… more… win and probably still rank up).

Called it - 5-7 still rank up, you tell me it aint stat / performance based.

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Its mid elo know with the influx if new players bronze to gold is low elo plat to fiamand is mid elo and masters to grand master is high elo but htats how i see it at least stil lthink we need 2 more rank one below bronze and one in-between diamand and master

High elo is not as clearly defined as low elo which is widely considered to be metal ranks. Even though high plat is technically top 15%.

After that you just say whatever rank you are. If anyone actually called themself “high elo” I’d probably assume they are like 3700, but not much higher or lower.

No, not even low gm is high anymore with how inflated ranks are.

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Sadly I have to agree. Having reached GM4 so far, it doesn’t feel like an achievement and the players there still as clueless as they are in plat, just with slightly better mechanical skill.

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There is no proof of DDA and I really doubt it exists in OW.

Diamond is a weird place in OW. Mostly games are unbalanced in Diamond because the skill difference between Master 2 for example and Diamond 2 is ENORMOUS. So if you get Master 2 tank but the enemy gets D1 tank, it’s not a balanced match → it happens a lot.

However in Diamond usually games are more ‘structured’. Meaning there is more sense in comps, people play around one-tricks (usually), more voice comms and better resource management overall. Players have decent mechanics on the heroes they play and can aim pretty well.

On the other hand, Diamond is an ego-inflated rank. This means that most people who are in Diamond feel more ‘special’ than lower or higher ranks. This is because Diamond indicates you have a better understanding of the game than most and you feel invincible because you managed to get there, when in reality it’s not that special. The point is, toxicity is more common in Diamond than Platinum or Master, which is bad.

In addition to that, players make a TON of mistakes in Diamond. They overestimate their ability or make dumb moves to try and make plays which usually leads to feeding. If you keep your head clear and watch out for these mistakes, you can climb through Diamond in a matter of days (I did in 3 weeks).

That being said, Diamond should not intimidate you as being ‘high elo’. It’s higher than most, it’s a great achievement if you made it there, however don’t expect to play ‘youtube’ matches. It’s high elo, but not high enough.

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This was mostly true in OW1 but nowadays with s3 inflation low gm is the new low masters and most people who are currently in diamond peaked gold/plat in ow1.

A bit exaggerated to be fair. I was peak 3400 in OW1 and now I’m Master 4. Similarly 2 friends of mine, one was 3100 peak he’s D2 currently the other was 3480 peak he’s Master 5 currently.

I was 3200 peak OW1, in OW2 I ended D2 in S1, D5 in S2 because I didn’t play much, now I’m GM4 after 4 weeks of S3. I was planning to push for masters this season, not breeze through it in two weeks, and even get to master on a second account.

The fact that all of top 500 is now GM1 when in previous seasons it was up to GM3-4 also shows how inflated ranks are now.

I also climbed to Master 2 on DPS very quickly, when the last time I was even diamond on DPS was years ago in something like season 6. My DPS is nowhere near as good as my support.


Somebody mentioned it’s silver now that people had time to play