Is Competitive SR a good measure of your skill?

I am wondering what the developers think about the current SR system and if its a fair reflection of people’s skill levels? I mean with 40 million players and only 5000 ranks, things could get a bit unbalanced.

Maybe the only thing that matters is “fair” matches, so they don’t think it matters if plat and gold have extreme variance in skill levels.


extreme variance is due to player manipulation.

sr is accurate to within a couple hundred points.

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where did you get this information? i would be curious to see the reasoning/math behind this claim.

I bounce between 1600 and 2000. I have for 3 seasons now, I think this is where I am. I find good games here and lose to good games here as well. I think its a good scale of my SR.

My issue comes in with the throwers, smurfs, boosters, de-rankers. They ruin the MMR/SR for everyone they play with. Even if you have a smurf on your team they change the data on how the hero they play is collected making it difficult for the algorithm to find the right scale for those of us in the right SR pool or tier. Just as boosters do for those in higher levels.

If I boosted to diamond or masters for instance I would be ruining the game for those who are meant to be in that tier by my silver play style. They would lose being a 5v6 team 9/10 times and I would eventually fall back to silver harming those teams I am in.

The biggest issue with competitive isn’t the matchmaking system or the hidden MMR it is the player base. When you have what I listed above you corrupt the data the system uses to find fair balanced matches to attempt a 50/50 win loss scenario.

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NO. SR does not measure skill. It is your competitive standing. Overwatch has a competitive ladder. In order for you to move up or move down, someone else has to take your place. SR will fluctuate every game, but the general range is your competitive “playground”. To climb, you must both fend off those below you and beat those above you. They are human opponents and you have to cooperate with your human teammates, making the task difficult. Good luck!

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MANY players have multiple accounts. Your sr will be the same on any account you touch if you play the same characters the same way. If you are unsure try it.

I can tell you 100% without a doubt my sr is directly related to how well im playing. If i hit my max i struggle with games. If i drop too low i feel like a smurf.

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I think it’s ok. I believe it would be more accurate if players in groups weren’t matched into solo players - also if so many people weren’t so easily able to make new accounts and play below their ranks (which makes teams uneven without the matcher knowing) then ranks would be much more accurate.

Basically a solo queue with a time requirement to prevent so many new accounts (because at the high ranks there’s so many players who are like top 200 or below playing at a lower rank) and they just make those matches very landslide.

I do think the ranks are pretty good though. I feel when I play better I move up properly most of the time. There’s throwers here and there which make things annoying but out of xyz matches they are pretty good

It is not. System try to set your mmr based on which heroes you play where you can play any heroes that you want. Therefore you ruin the sr system by playing no experienced heroes until you reach your real mmr on that hero. Your mmr would have been seperated for each heroes in the game then we could have think the de system is fair one.

Any measure allowing your teammates to control any portion of your SR result is overall a flawed system and can never be taken seriously to determine one’s skill level.

Hence why we have the unresolvable problem of Competitive sabotage from those that play on alternate accounts to throw games. Troll with Mei ice walls, use Symmetra’s teleport to bring you to the beginning of the attacker’s base or near the edge of a cliff.

This is no measure of skill and players concerned about it should really sit down and think about the system again. Some take the SR ELO too seriously when in reality it is flawed and overall broken.

Yes, this is a team game. It’s SR system gives too much power to a bunch of strangers as teammates to determine your rank.


The SR system is absolutely no way a good indication of skill. It’s a joke overwatch is one of the worst designed games ever. I love how it plays and the ideas, characters etc but the competitive structure is trash. For example you can have a moria player who is ranked 3000sr and you have a hanzo/doomfist main who is the same. Moria takes zero skill to aim with and precision is out the door, so how can that player be ranked the same as someone who can stomp with a much more difficult character? Broken logic for a broken game.

They’re both at the same SR, so that means that the game has calculated that putting either of them on your team would result in roughly the same chance of you winning. There is definitely a distinction to be made between bad Moiras and good Moiras, I’ve seen it.

Because every hero should have different ranks because very few people are the same skill level with multiple heroes.

For example, player 1 could be…

  • 3400 Tracer
  • 3200 Moira
  • 3100 Hanzo
  • 2600 Doomfist
  • 2300 Mei

Unfortunately hero switching makes this difficult to calculate unless you essentially one-trick various heroes on multiple accounts.

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