Is Climbing possible?

yes it possible but highly team dependent.

so, what you’re saying is that I need to be dps as a healer at the same time? I never understand these arguments because people only blame others, it’s a team game, if the team can’t help do their part, then how is one healer going to do it all for them TEAM TEAM TEAM GAME not about me

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Short answer, yes.

Don’t worry, according to some people you can most definitely DPS while tanking as healer. :wink:

I don’t think anyone with a sane mind would deny that climbing is possible.

However, the hardest challenge is KEEPING a sane mind while doing so.


Climbing rank in Competitive Play is possible, however it is completely incidental because matches are handicapped with MMR. More info:

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People that can’t climb either admit their downfall or blame the boogeyman

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Just the fact that an entire post needs to be created to “prove” that climbing is possible shows that something is extremely dysfunctional about this matchmaking.

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Climbing is inevitable if you win the right matches.
With a new account you have higher chances to join the right matches.

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Hey man that’s not true. This post didn’t need to get made. Op climbed and wanted to share their success with the community.

It is clear you are bitter you cannot climb post a replay code and we can help you.

The only way to climb is by luck with the mach maker or if you literally are a smurf.

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I swear on my mothers grave that I have solo queued to Masters with DPS as well as Masters with a tank and never cheated to get there. I stopped grinding after that because it wasn’t fun. I’m definitely bitter because the game has sucked for four years but you definitely cannot help me climb.

Take it from someone who has seen more than you have, the matchmaker is broken.


Okay I understand I personally cannot help you climb but there are gm and top500 on the forums who can.

Even if the matchmaking is broken by your standards climbing is still possible if you are always trying to improve your game.

I understand this is not the answer you want but maybe this post will help you one day in the future. Good luck.

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I cannot say enough for those who go from “x” rank to “y” - I have yet seen in MY time zone, MY PC, who plays when I CAN play, and on MY region. And all that to say, there are so many variables at play, your skill is just one.

Test other variables, when to play, who to play, comp differences. Dont get false hopes cause someone in new zealand did unranked to GM on a friday night… theres more to it.

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To be clear, I know you can rank up and I’m not the type of person who goes around in life blaming other people for my problems instead of taking ownership, quite the opposite really. However, sometimes stuff in life is actually broken and taking ownership involves speaking up to get the problem resolved.

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If you took a quarter of the vitriol you had for reforming a video games matchmaking and put it into your real life you and everyone around you will greatly benefit. Sadly, you are wasting your energy yelling in space.

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I’ve gone from 1802 (or something like that) to 2420 mainly playing Rein, but also Zarya, Winston, and hog with a 66% (or something like that) win percentage. Climbing is possible.

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I blame Blizzard for literally giving me bronze players in Plat/Gold Openqueue

Boogeyman it is
mandatory 20 characters

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Now you’re just saying nonsense. I got 10 posts on this board at the time I wrote this.