Is anyone else unable to hear footsteps?

Wow, one of my old gameplays.

Sombra’s playstyle was certainly a lot more mobile back then wasn’t it. Her current kit kinda encourages passive plays.

Yeah, i can actually hear Mercy at 1:30, i just ignored her because it’s better to join the teamfight in the room. I could tell how far she is and knew i’d just have to duck in the little corner inside the door to avoid her. That second floor room is a good place to camp because you can hear everyone passing by on either side.

Anyway, it’s been two years, people still don’t have proper audio? I thought there was a patch that improved the audio and made things like Sombra gun more distinct.

The sound is screwed in this game. Pharah flying right behind me? Not making a sound. Jetpack btw. Tracer on the other end of the map? Loud as hell footsteps making noise over everything else. Roadhog? Nah, he’s behind me not making any noise and I don’t even know he’s there until I get hooked because he’s not making any noise when moving. Meanwhile, all I hear is junkrats weapon firing.

Junkrat ults? He’s standing right above me, sound is like he’s somewhere behind me so I turn around. Nobody there. I die. Watch killcam, he’s right above me. LIKE REALLY? FIX THE SOUND ALREADY.

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Fix this blizz 2years with the same problem dying to mcddick stuns and reapers oneshot from behind because i dont hear them.

also i dont hear reindharts ults, soldiers ults…