Is anyone earning OWL tokens from watching?

Well then…if i dont get the tokens, at least sitting in a call with a bunch of friends watching the game helped make it more enjoyable. Good games tonight.

i only got 3 after 5hs :laughing:

I also got 3 for watching the whole OWL event to end incl. all matched.
Should be more or? Why it is not working for me? I also have all access-pass. Pls help

Other games have no issues with drops … its just overwatch … Either they are too lazy to force Twitch to solve the issue or they are doing it on purpose.

Same. Only 3. Watched the entire time. But I did get a lucky 100

Congratulations on getting the bonus 100. That’s not too bad.

Now if we can get them to pony up the rest of the tokens they owe all of us.

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Me and two of my friends were watching the games, one of us got 100 tokens after the first game, I’m still waiting for mine.
How does this even work, I thought you only get one token per map, is there like an internal game of luck to get 100??

I got 3 tokens and 100 token drop.
I know people have been saying theyve gotten 3, but last year it wouldnt count all the tokens you got at once, like it would still say you got 1 and then goud have to count it manually. Now that people probably have tokens from last year its probably harder to tell them since its in the number with the last years tokens if that makes any sense…

Its like a lucky drop, sometimes youll get 100 tokens but most times youll get 3 ^.^

I wish they would, but sadly, this same stuff happen last season and they never reimbursed.

Well that’s…kind of a dumb system. How fair is that to the people sitting through hours and hours and they barely even get a fraction of what someone else got after one match :thinking: Blizzard really doesnt know what they’re doing atm, do they.

I dont have any problems with it. Its just a rng treat.

Yeah but some have to watch it at ungodly hours because of timezones and that kind of adds to the salt for me :sweat_smile:

Did you have your blizzard account linked to Twitch? Did you mute the actual stream? Muting the stream itself lets Twitch know you’re not watching. Muting the tab or computer itself was fine though.

Watched from start to finish and got only 2 tokens xD

I saw no drops enabled and turned it off and decided to play instead. I have other gamers in the home and they were all busy doing their typical gaming so I thought it was a good time to watch. Guess it’s bugged, not too surprising.

This only seems to offer advice to those who were watching through Twitch, not the OWL website.

EU here.

Watched on twitch, from midnight until around 7am.
Firefox, Tab opened, in chat, nothing muted, no adblock, laying in bed and had it up on the projector.

3 tokens.

I don’t even know how many i should’ve had, but 3 in 7 hours is mad, especially if it’s about 5800 for the complete skins, i’d need to be watching for 13538 hours… or 1.5 years total watch time.

According to Trakt, I watched 2004 movies last year, for a total of 149 days worth of watch time, so having a GOATSOWL watch time of 1.5 years is monumental.


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Hey everyone. I’m still looking into it, from what I could tell everyone (including myself) only got a single 3-token drop.

I do believe we’ll just have to keep calm and move along. They might get us caught up later, they might not. Once again that’s one of those things that’s difficult to go back and adjust. Last time this happened was during the all-star weekend and tokens was later reimbursed days after.

Thanks everyone for being at least patient with me, as a player I can only do so much to try and find information. Hopefully Blizzard will get this sorted out soon enough. (^^)v

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ask how rainbow six siege is doing it … i get all my drops when i watch the games.

overwatch needs that technique