And what you wrote is WHY I would be happy to see you in that role. Roles are things people grow into, getting someone who has a desire, and obviously a real push into doing so is huge. The skill set can be learnt, and obviously you have a good deal of it.
I think you would be an asset for it, and honestly, throw in for the current role.
Yes, but as a person who sees you on the forums, doing the things you do here, I would feel happier if you went for the current position. You may not get it, but damn… look at the
post you just did.
It is clear, direct, and gives people the information they need, like pretty much every piece of communication I have ever seen from you.
I’m not in the hiring position (but I have been in the past for places), and I’d take someone like you in a heart beat.
Throw in for it, see how it goes. They will need all the comms help they can get right now (given Blizzards ability to do comms, they have always needed it - AndyB and Jodie are the exception to the rules of what I expect in comms from Blizzard - They are a serious breath of fresh air.)
Anyway, I think you have been a surrogate community manager for Blizzard for as long as I have seen you on the various forums. Don’t sell yourself short here.