Is ana ever going to get help or

Are we just going to have to wait another year? because right now she is trash and the new support makes her beg for a swift death just before bashing her skull in. After blocking anything she could ever do to stop her of course…Ana can’t even run away lol



Ana is not trash, that’s Symmetra. Ana’s actually the 7th most picked hero overall, and the 4th most picked support (slightly behind “OP” Zenyatta).

Realistically Ana is comfortably average.

And then you see that she has the 2nd lowest winrates across all ranks and you say,

“Oh man, that’s not right for a hero with an infinite skill ceiling. She needs some help.”


Playrates don’t mean heroes don’t deserve buffs or nerfs.

Look at sombra. Less than 2% playrate and still got a pretty hefty nerf.

Sounds fair right?

Geoff did say that they’re looking at ways to change Ana.

I’m not putting my hopes up after waiting for over a year for Ana’s return.
Especially with the 2 new healers, Moira doing her job better than she does and Brigitte effectively being a counter with her non stop armour production on flankers.

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But her winrate suddenly becomes OK at GM (above 50%), which implies her skill floor is too high, and that people are playing her when they probably dont have the skill required.

But again, that does not make her trash. If she was trash people wouldn’t even touch her. Like Sym, who funnily enough has the highest winrate I believe (at least for supports).

Her winrate is the second lowest in the game in GM.
Shouldn’t high skill heroes be thriving in high skill environments?

Symm’s pickrate is skewed, since people pick her on the very specific maps where she works (Anubis A for example), and if they lose the point, they immediately switch.

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So give her a hook like widow ? Hanzo wallclimb abilitie ? Passive self-healing ? Give to her grenade a shield of 100 HP when she use it on herself + the heal ?

See, there are like a billion way to help her against dive meta. Crazy right ?

Its actually 6th.

And yes, Ana should be doing better, but the point I am arguing against is that she is “trash” which is simply not the case.

Winrate>This month>GM

Fair enough.

h ttps://

Winrate>This week>GM

This month provides a more stable view of the character’s balance as a week is a much shorter time span, but you’re right. She has the 6th lowest in this week.

How many main healers there is in the game?
She’s not useless, but she’s not in a good place.

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No she is 4th from the bottom in winrate

51.57%. Only beating out mccree, pharah and Hanzo.

6th place is Mercy, with 56.01%.

Pickrates are irrelevant because in a world of perfect balance, every support will be picked 2x as often as any dps because there are half as many supports to fill the same 2 slots.

Pick rate =/= balance
And while she may not be trash theres no point in picking her over Moira whose burst healing is not only faster and higher but allows her to target multiple teamates and barriers dont affect her at all.
Also Ana is the only support without a passive self sustain ability. And yes she’d an easy victim to dive but so is Zen and Symm and that’s no impediment for them to have shields

Ana is so trash you can dive on her teammates and you will somehow accidentally kill her lol

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I main ana I don’t see a problem with her now since they gave back 10 damage and nerfed mercy.