Invisible Weapons & Projectiles, Invisible Enemies

I played Orisa and Hog on defence, then Orisa, Dva and Winston on attack.
On Dorado attack, I played Orisa then swapped to Dva right away. When I swapped to Dva, my weapons and projectiles became completely invisible to me, both in and out of mech. I couldn’t see my DM either. I swapped to Winston and his gun, projectiles and bubble were all invisible to me.
A few seconds after capping second point (at the same (exact?) time the enemy Tracer switched to Sojourn) my weapons and projectiles suddenly reappeared. The enemy Zen switched to Ana right after. From then on both Sojourn and Ana were invisible to me, except for glowing and floating red orbs at the center of where their hitbox would be, similar to the souls Mercy can see. Later on, the tank swapped and also became invisible. The enemies who didn’t swap were still visible. This persisted until the game ended.
The invisible moments don’t show up on the replay, but I have the replay code. (QBP9G0) I also communicated on the voice comms the moment when my weapons/projectiles reappeared.


A link to my post in case you would like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Invisible Player Models. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.

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I experienced this today as a tank, Route 66. W48FN4

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also experienced this in route66 today. An invisible enemy DF and someone else IDK what it was. Eventually I noticed all that was visible was a tiny glowing orb where the player is. No sound effect, or visual effects coming from that player model. It was in a comp game too, extremely frustrating.

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Just had a lobby of nothing but glowing orbs on the second half of eich. I’ve seen this happen on pc but first time I’ve seen it on console.

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