Infinite Update loop

Tried Scanning/Repair game, it failed, gave me an error, and then it prompts me to update, at which point it begins scanning again, and fails, and the process repeats forever infinity.

Try another network, like a VPN or mobile data. You can also try another Windows admin account.

There is no other network, no vpn, nor mobile data. I am the admin.

That’s not what I’m asking. I’m suggesting you create a connection to another network to test the efficacy of the home ISP network.

Setting up mobile tethering or turning on a VPN is part of that process. Troubleshooting requires you to take steps to figure out the issue.

There is no other connection to connect to.

I can’t do mobile tethering on my phone.

I do not have access to any VPN.

Okay, you have two tech support threads going for some reason?? That’s not permitted here.

I’m gonna discontinue this thread. All responses will be in the DxDiag thread.

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