Increase sr gain

I’m sick of winning twice as many games as I lose but still not being able to reach my season high. You should gain more sr than you lose or at least gain the same amount


That means you are underperforming and your MMR is lower than your current SR. You are suppose to gain 25 sr or lose 25 sr if you are currently at the right place.


My stats say otherwise

Your profile is private…


Whats your stat per 10?

With ashe 24.74 elims 10,294 damage and 6.39 deaths
With Dva 26.12 elims 9,384 damage and 3.86 deaths
With moira 32.93 elims 9,163 healing 7,481 damage and 3.78 deaths
With pharah 26.29 elims 10,963 damage and 6.65 deaths
With reaper 30.36 elims 10,983 damage and 7.08 deaths

Only thing bad about my dps is the deaths but it’s open queue and there’s not always a healer

Well kill are good but dmg and heal no. I don’t undersre and how you lose more than win tho.

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10k per 10 damage isn’t bad. My heals on moira are low but I compensate with damage

well it is like in between bad and good but in direction of bad kinda. But with stats like that you are supposed to win more sr so idk.

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What rank are you That 10k is more bad than good?

Play in master but thats only my opinion but for other they might be good.

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I mean… If you’re putting 10k dmg per game that’s honestly pretty standard for any rank (even bronze DPS put out 10k+ per game).

To climb and kick in the PBSR you need to be exceeding the average by at least 10-15%…

Like… If I were to play Ashe in plat games, if I put out 10k dmg per 10 mins that’s definitely @ average.

To climb back to diamond I’d need to be putting out closer to 11-12k dmg per 10 mins per game. And it helps to maximize your up time (die less)…


I’m currently fluctuating between plat and diamond it’s hard tho when you get people feeding and not grouping up :confused: some guy just went mad at me for spamming group up in that right room on blizzard world and everyone kept going mid even though they had double sniper and we had no shield

Can’t see your profile I’ll take your word for it. But you’re on console though :woman_shrugging:t2:

Maybe things are different there…

If the enemy is running a good Ashe player on a map like BlizzWorld where your whole team is forced to walk uphill, your best bet is to play widow and out range her.

She’ll out damage you as Ashe uphill so your options are pretty limited even with a mercy pocket. The alternative is convincing one of your tanks to go ham/Winston and dive the snipers with them as one of the dive DPS Champions.

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Ashe was top right with a zen I wanted to push them off high ground but no one came with me ever

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Sad… GG Go Next…

Honestly if you trying to get to Diamond, find a good tank player and support player to 3 stack with.

Soloqueuing is exhausting and honestly just too uncoordinated. At least with a tank player you guys can control more of the games pace.

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I mean it doesn’t have to be a tank and a support player. I play all roles. I was playing with my boyfriend earlier and one round he played support and I played widow and next round I played support and he played widow. And he was like “when did you get good at widow” my widow is kinda shocking tbh

Replay code HGV44W if you wanna watch. My defence was better than my offence (doubt you do tho lol)

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Maybe provide some replay codes ?


At work so can’t…

If you look I did HGV44W