Incorrect ranking after placement matches

won 7 out of 10 matches and was ranked in low Bronze. please put in correct tier. I play on XBOX 1 my gamer tag is Jordan Wins23.

You don’t get placed in Grandmaster if you win all 10 games. It’s performance-based as far as I remember.

i know, wasnt looking for grandmaster…i won 2 games in ranking matches and was high silver. i won 7 this time and was low bronze. i didnt play for 2years. returned in season 16.

It’s performance-based. I don’t really want to dig into it but you can get some information from here:

yes, im aware. my performance was rank 1 or 2 in the majority of matches. last season i played terrible, was away for 2 years…i won 2 matches in placement…1 week later, i win 7 out of 10, and ranked in low bronze. my performance on every level was better, burt recieved less than worthy ranking.

Dude… It’s about performance not WINNING… Even if you win more it doesn’t mean you will become an higher rank. Let’s say your performance ingame was worse than your teammates. Yep that means you don’t deserve an higher ranking. Even if you’d win 5 and lose 5 you can still get SR or lose SR.

I lost 6 matches out of 10 and i dropped 200SR well then. 1 loss more than avarage absurd? No the system is working perfectly

Also you can’t say your performance on every level was better whilst you recieved a less worthy rank. Not to be rude but there really is a reason why you are such low ranking. And that is thinking too good of yourself.

big part of placement is what you had last time playing competitive. lets say you first place in gold, then drop to bronze at end of season. the next time you play comp in a new season it uses the old rank as a base and moves from there. if you do well you can improve your rating quite a bit but its still going to be based off where you ended before (bronze), and then improved upon based on performance.
if you feel the rank is incorrect best way to correct it is by playing more games. its impossible for the game to determine rank from simply playing 10 games, thats so few that someone could luck out completely and get wrong rank.

What this guy said ^^

Also MMR has a big part in this. If i’m correct MMR Resets every 4 seasons but that does not matter since they tweak the ranking system all the time.