Just want to post something, I said along time ago.
This was basically the OW Forums before the release of Sigma, then into Double Barrier and post the Tank “rebalancing”/Barrier nerfs
And, as you can see, months later, not much has changed. Except, maybe add in some discussion about Rein nerfs and Sigma/Orisa buffs.
It’s still the same old “I’m sick of Rein, every game, but where’s my barrier?” mixed with a bit of “just nerf Rein” and “buff Orisa/Sigma”/“No, don’t buff them, theyll be OP”.
In short. Few people want to play the Shield Tanks, but everyone wants them, in their games. But, the second any Tank player mentions the issue with the roster (and why they hate playing the role/certain heroes with that role), their complaints are either completely ignored or people say something like “What are you talking about? Tanks are the best/most OP/etc role, in the game. Quit whining”