in the game: why isn’t there a shield tank? SWITCH TO REIN NOW! I NEED A SHILED! I NEED A SHIELD BOT!
all I can say is that people are ungrateful toward main tanks, I shield YOU, I’m doing this FOR YOU!
and put dirt in our face! you judge our every mistake even if we carry your sorry 200hp butts to safety, you treat us like mules in the games and like pariahs is the forums, because you don’t wanna do play this role, you don’t wanna do this job, you need someone else to do it for you!
so guess what, YOU nerfed YOUR shield! those shields? it’s meant for the team! I shielded you! I’m doing it for you! IT’S YOURS!
don’t want shield tanks? see you in 2021 when tanks queues are cancelled and it’s only 4-2 because nobody wants to play tanks for YOU!
actually, it might just become 5-1 since the only people masochistic enough to continue with you dps guys are disgruntled mercy mains.
I think what people are upset about is the fact that they need a shield tank, not that they’re OP/nobody will play one. They’re an annoying part of the game from both ends.
I think the forums are complaining about rein being the only viable one most of the time
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You may not need a barrier tank if tanks can be enough to resist damage and draw attention to create a distraction.
There are some tanks that can’t do it properly with the current balance (Orisa for example).
Just want to post something, I said along time ago.
This was basically the OW Forums before the release of Sigma, then into Double Barrier and post the Tank “rebalancing”/Barrier nerfs
And, as you can see, months later, not much has changed. Except, maybe add in some discussion about Rein nerfs and Sigma/Orisa buffs.
It’s still the same old “I’m sick of Rein, every game, but where’s my barrier?” mixed with a bit of “just nerf Rein” and “buff Orisa/Sigma”/“No, don’t buff them, theyll be OP”.
In short. Few people want to play the Shield Tanks, but everyone wants them, in their games. But, the second any Tank player mentions the issue with the roster (and why they hate playing the role/certain heroes with that role), their complaints are either completely ignored or people say something like “What are you talking about? Tanks are the best/most OP/etc role, in the game. Quit whining”
Given how I’ve seen people utilize cover, I’m not convinced that’s true.
Underrated comment. You reap what you sow, now Sigma and Orisa are garbage. Deal with your Reinhardt (if you so happen to get one because he’s kinda boring to play imo)