In 2018 Sombra got the worst patches ever

Sure. I’ll get back to her and check for it after i’m done with Bastion.

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Are you getting achievements or something?

Or perhaps you want to play with sand castle skin

Cool and all but nothing beats lego

I don’t honestly think anyone cares if Sombra is not viable dude…

My Bastion’s getting rusty. I learned to play him in FFA so i actually get a lot of my kills in Recon mode, staying in Sentry mode for more than 5 seconds was counter intuitive for me. But playing him in just payload maps has made my Bastion lethargic and has become a sitting duck, i need to knock some of the rust out and get him back into flanker shape.

This should apply to her stealth as well. A stray D. Va bullet shouldn’t take you out of stealth.


I always thought it should be a conscious effort to cancel hack. 25-30 is my magic number because 30 is melee damage and every hero can melee (few exception like reinhardt but thats a stronger wider melee sooooo… i win lol)

The whole goal is to avoid 1 “bullet” from stopping a hack. 1 bullet is a lucky shot, 2 bullets is a conscious effort. When you think about it though 10 damage barely even saves you from light splash damage. 10 damage is purely stopping long range shotgun spam and thats it. Bullet RNG is about just as effective at 10hp. needs to be 21+

20 damage or less is the average per pellet damage on machineguns and shotguns and its machine guns and shotguns debilitating her massively with the 2 second cooldown nerf. If your gonna spray and pray with soldier and not use his precision burst fire you better pray hard and get lucky more then once i say or hope that 1 bullet is a headshot.

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I read every piece. I always do if I comment. I think you displayed Sombra so beautifully! You described the core issues so accurately that a new player to this game could follow along.

Fitzy would approve.

I certainly hope this post gets a lot of attention so hopefully and maybe in can reach the people who can change it.

Sadly, I don’t think the balance team cares. But maybe someone would on their team will and be the voice of reason.

This was a gem on the forums!

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Yep, hack (and perhaps even also stealth) not being broken by a stray bullet from the other side of the map anymore would be a great change to Sombra. As people have said, a 20-30 damage threshold would be perfect. She really needs that. That, and a clearer indication of hacked enemies to teammates, but I think people have been asking for that ever since she was put into the game.
(Personally I would also love to have six second hacks back, five seconds is really short… but I guess we can safely say that’s never gonna happen anymore. :expressionless:)

Sombra is pretty good atm to be completly honest. She just generates her EMP extremly fast without barriers, she is pretty good against hog also

Atleast this is my own experience playing her atm

Despite sombra being trash, I wish they would remove that

I think the biggest nerf was in 07.2018 ( infinite stealth and TL )

And i have an idea about changes which she needs -

Return her kit from 2017 with these changes :

1 Stealth on resourses

  • max time 6 sec
  • speed + 75%
  • can contest
  • CD between use 1 sec
  • CD to start recover stealth time 2 sec
  • 1 sec without using stealth = + 1,5 sec in stealth
  • No collision sound
  • If Sombra take less than 10 dmg she will shine a bit but not come out of stealth
  • If Sombra is not in direct contact with enemy she will not say her phrase after coming out stealth - enemy will only hear stealth sound

2 Make sound of translocator more quiet
3 Now with TL you can leave Zarya’s and Sigma’s ults
4 Make sound of hacking a health pack more quiet
5 a bit less % from healing
6 add hacks buff from 02.2018
7 add current spread
8 Revert hack changes :

  • 6 sec duration
  • no CD if cast time was broke
  • 0.8 sec cast time

I think these changes will help her a lot in dps / hack / support tactick and make her fun to play as / against

I still sort of think they could buff her damage a touch without breaking her. She should be at a slight advantage 1v1 vs. the average opponent if they’re hacked. Could just be my aim though.

Would revert movement speed too.

TBH I’ve forgotten what all her cast times used to be like, but quicker is obvs better.

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That was a big one that made her valuable too I completely forgot about. It was so good for getting the C9

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I have 45% weapon accuracy on sombra this comp season (which is normal for me) in just over 100 games. According to overbuff my accuracy is top 1% and my damage is top 2% on Sombra. Her damage is surprisingly decent when you’re not being gimped by the spread. On tanks (who are easier to crit, too) or unaware or scoped in targets she is a beast.

But in a 1v1 against other dps or supports where they’re trying to bob and weave it can be really weird. Compared to everyone else in the damage roster, however, her damage is easily the worst. Despite my comparative stats, I rarely top for damage in my games. That’s fine - she is more of a disruptor than a killer - but it would be nice if the reliability of the weapon was further improved. Blizzard tightened the spread not too long ago and I think something more like this would probably be sufficient.

The hardest thing to do with her gun isn’t hitting - although that’s sometimes too inconsistent due to spread - it’s securing kills through healing. But that’s a burst vs sustain issue that runs very deeply in the game generally and if that is addressed might go a lot further for buffing Sombra (and others) than any direct changes to some specific heroes.


sombra revert to limited invis version - problem solved
from a sombra widow 2 trick since season 3~4

Got any tips for a fellow Sombra main? Do you have high mouse sensitivity or low? Do you aim for the head a lot or just try to hit them anywhere? Hack 'em again when they reload or just go for damage? I’m hardstuck at ~35% accuracy and have some trouble killing people as a result. :neutral_face:

It comes naturally to me so I’m not sure I can really tell you much that you probably couldn’t discover anywhere. I play all heroes on a DPI of 800 and an ingame sensitivity of 5.5 . I think this is slightly faster sens but it means I can swivel a lot without resetting mouse.

For headshots it’s complicated. I aim middle of head/crit only if they’re very close and it helps if they’re also stunned/CC’d, still, or scoping/ADS. With tanks you can go for the head more often from farther. Otherwise, it’s aim neck/upper chest due to spread. This gives you crits but also reliable sustain dps. It can often be safer to go for bodyshots especially after the initial burst on the head when the recoil kicks in.

For aiming the absolute best advice I can give is don’t tense your arm/hand - keep it a gentle, light touch - and once you do this do not think of your arm/hand at all. Move the reticle with your mind alone, the arm will obey almost flawlessly until you start to think about how to move it.

Going Deathmatch while queueing helps too.

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Thanks, I’ll try that! Would be great if I could win my 1v1s a bit more consistently.