Improved Weeping Angels gamemode - Help

I’ve been slowly tweaking a weeping angels gamemode to make it a bit more interesting. So far I’ve upped mercy’s speed a bit, required a melee rather than just contact to kill, and changed the pov while frozen to 1st person instead of 3rd like others seem to have it, so the transition is less jarring. Import code is 5SDC9

Here are a couple other changes I’m hoping to make but have no idea where to start:

1: Give mercy wallclimb:
Mostly just to help with mobility and the fact that it’s easy to accidentally run off a ledge on certain maps.

2: Give mercy Blink:
Probably won’t use this one but I’d like to play around with it and see if it can be balanced. Would like to give her a single blink on a long cooldown.

3: Stop all momentum when frozen:
Currently if you jump right before you freeze, you’ll retain momentum until you land, and given the 300% speed that gives you quite a bit of distance

4: Slowly ramp up dmg the longer a mccree looks at a mercy:
Currently it’s 5dmg per second per mercy, and if a mercy is frozen for too long she is just sent back to spawn. This can be used by the mccrees to just buy more time to build ults by teleporting the mercy to the other side of the map. There’s also an interesting bug where if a mercy’s corpse is stared at for too long, she will be respawned.
This could also add some interesting counterplay if, to use deadeye, they have to be ready to look for a certain amount of time while the dmg ramps up.

5: Add a blink/close eyes mechanic to regain health as mccree and reset the dmg ramp.
Primarily to balance the ramped dmg and prolong the game a bit.

6: Expand what’s considered mccree’s FOV
Currently if a mercy is around the edges of a mccree’s view, they can still move. At range this is more of a minor inconvenience, but at extreme close range it can seem like you need to keep your crosshair on them or they’ll still be mobile. Perhaps a slightly wider cone at range and a rectangle similar to rein’s hammer hitbox directly in front of mccree?

#1, kinda difficult. I’ll let someone else tackle that one.

#2 you could use ‘get nearest walkable position’ of ‘ray cast position(start = eye position, end = eye position + multiply (facing direction, X)’, where X is how far you want player to move

#3 When frozen, apply an impulse of velocity of player * -1 and speed of 0.001, and cancel contrary motion

#4 kinda tricky if you want to increase damage over time for each mercy. Much easier if it’s just “the longer a mcree is freezing any mercy, the more damage he takes”. Chase a variable on mcree and damage him by that variable amount.

#5 not sure

#6 can’t you just increase the ‘is in view’ angle? Else just have two checks like you suggest; one ‘normal’ one and one short range wide one. Check the wide one first; if they’re in that, then check their distance. If they’re further than X away, check the normal range as well.


Thanks for the input, I’ll give those a try. And yes, I just wanted to ramp for any mercy, not for every mercy. That would get a bit insane lol.