*Important* OW2: About Phone Numbers

Then I guess overwatch is not the game for you. Sorry buddy, I heard ubisoft needs more players in their games.

How many times do we have to tell people. Its not about having a cellphone. PEOPLE HAVE CELL PHONES. They are limiting to postpaid cellular services ON SEPERATE CONTRACTS. Which means if there is a family that plays overwatch, those on the same contract can’t use the phone numbers because its ONLY ONE CONTRACT.

Keep in mind having a prepaid phone or not wanting a cellular phone =/= you can’t afford video games and other amentities. I dont need the extra services a contract phone provides when I can get the data, call, and text I want for a better deal and it won’t effect my line of credit negatively on a prepaid service.


It is for brian, not sure what you are on about. So looks like you are going to have to share your account with your kids. Sounds like something you are gonna have to deal with or not play the game. Blizzard made the rules real clear. Sorry not sorry.

Accusing me of wanting to play a Ubisoft game might be the most offensive thing anyone has ever said to me.


Better read better Brian, never said that lol.

These mean people are the ones who should be eliminated.
People with prepaid numbers should not be excluded.


Offering me the idea that I could play an Ubisoft game might be the most offensive thing anyone has ever said to me.


Well Brian if you found offense in that, stay offended lol. Also, get a cellphone Brian. I am sure at least one person in your family would like to send you text instead of talking to you on a land line.

If you are the kind of person who scoffs at people in need…
have more problems than smurfs.


Okay, so it sounds you prefer you postpaid phone. Good, Enjoy that. However, The fact you legitmately lacking any fore thought in this is baffling. Its giving “I got mine, so **** ya’ll.” Its not helpful to this thread or conversation, period.

Adults choose their cellphone providers for a myriad of different reason. Having a prepaid phone is not synonmous to not being able to AFFORD your wants. People get prepaid phones because accessible, fiscal budget, having poor/bad credit, or not wanting to deal with the hidden services and fees that will affect their service negatively. Holy christ, its not that hard to understand.


Yes. I’m very offended. Not about the phone thing. Just Ubisoft.

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Louder for the people in the back.


Trying to help you Brian, you sound old and stubborn. How is your loved ones gonna share funny memes with you on a landline. Come on Brian, its not the 80s anymore lol.

Dude I’m not even Brian. How are you even playing video games when you need basic reading comprehension.


They fax me the memes. But it’s all Ubisoft memes, so I just end up offended anyways.

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lol? Maybe you need to read better???

Seriously, please stop trolling at this point, this thread is to raise awareness on a situation.

This thread also proves that this SMS postpaid BS is not gonna to get rid of toxic people in the community. To be honest, it just kinda promotes that environment. “I got mine, **** ya’ll” Mindset is ingrained.

Instead of people going like. “HUH…that is kinda of f’d up and makes no sense. This isn’t right.” Everyone one is going like “1/3 of the community gets shafted, but no smurfs? LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO”


Most people do and I am almost certain these are troll accounts.

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People already said they found ways to get in without the SMS or how to get in with SMS through other means. Again, I am not sure how true that is but I wouldn’t be surprised. people are whizzes when it comes to knowing how to go around certain things. It’s a shame because I want the game free of trolls, smurfs, cheaters etc and SMS wouldn’t be a bad thing at all if the requirements for it weren’t shot in space.