I'm worried about Mei's nerf

Don’t worry, They would never let Ball power creep that far.

:japanese_ogre: :hamster: mwahahahahahha !

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Just because there’s an angry mob with pitch forks and torches chasing after Mei, it doesn’t mean she’s in for a nerf. Just look at other heroes that remained untouched. :thinking:


They should definitely take back the 1.5 second slow buff, that was probably the least needed change Mei got alongside the damage buff to her freezing


If there’s only one hero that can keep Ball in check, which I doubt but concede, I’ll happy have him nerfed as well. My so dreamed of global CC reduction could be a big Hammond nerf.

However, Mei is doing to every tank without Fortify what she does to Ball.

Buffing counters ain’t gonna help unless there’s sniper tanks that I somehow missed.

Both Primary and Wall need nerfs. And I don’t even mind multi-freeze, that can remain if you ask me.


Mei is not Wrecking Ball’s only counter. Just by far his easiest. As in, just picking this character practically invalidates this other character. Not just a combat advantage, but total denial just from being around. Imagine if there was a pick like this for Mei.


Sorry to break it to ya, this mob had great argument instead of pitchforks. Devs are listening.

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Roadhog is a really excellent Ball counter nobody ever seems to talk about.


Sombra is still great to shut down wrecking ball, they just need to buff her her back or at least make her gun more viable because of power creep.

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I would rather they nerf both heroes (wrecking ball and Mei) rather than relying more heavily on counter picking. Let games play out in game, and not just at the hero select screen.

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This right here is part of the problem. They designed the game so you have to constantly switch from hero to hero. Annoying, but seems to be what they keep pushing further and further towards. Hence why we end up with Metas, which are the hardest combos to counter.

The truth is a lot of heroes can be problematic for WB and a team that works together can largely shut him down without any one specific counter required. You probably want at least one form of CC, but even someone like Brigitte can do it.

I do think that Mei needs some nerfs but I also agree with you that Wrecking ball is a disaster waiting to happen

Ball has more counter besides Mei. This is like when someone argued to me that Winston needs to be COMPLETELY left powerless by swapping to Brigitte.

I can comfortably say that when I get shut down as Wrecking Ball, it is almost always because I have two lesser counters, not one Mei. Something like Roadhog+McCree or Ana+Reaper is drastically worse than Mei.

Ball should have less counter and also less dmg, that’s what a dive tank should be like. He should pose a reliable threat not on his own but along side his team. Sadly the threat is both not reliable and a bit too much on his own, atm.

Getting tired of no skill Mei’s winning by holding down LMB

I already mentioned one CC isn’t enough to counter Ball. Roadhog does a hook combo on Ball, but Ball would just gain shields and roll/swing out of the fight. It’s an overall loss if he gets out alive while your CC is used.

There’s no Tank/Support casts that solely could really beat him. Even if Ana slept the Ball, there’s no way she could finish him by herself. If other team runs Winston + Ball + Doomfist, playing Ana is like giving yourself a nightmare unless her teammates babysit her.

Her left click isn’t a hitscan and requires basic tracking in order to freeze players who keeps mashing their Space Bar.

One CC is enough if the entire team beats him like pinata when he gets CC’d. Trust me, I’ve been on the wrong side of that many times.

And Mei is not enough by herself. I’ve certainly played around Mei successfully.

Also, what team doesn’t have a couple of different forms of CC? Most heroes have a CC at this point.

Frezzing is suposed to counter him, not delete him.

Uhhh nowhere in there does he say Mei is getting nerfed. He, himself said that Mei isn’t picked as often as a “Meta” hero would be. He said some changes. They could be positive and not nerfs. People are inferring nerfs.