I'm sick of getting reported and warnings for abusive chat

This was why ESEA was actually the choice for NA players (when it came to 3rd party matchmakers) when they wanted to have the most secure experience in CSGO. ESEA would deliberately basically watch you. Heck, you could be watching some very suggestive video, and the mods will have to go through with that.

Granted, their 3rd party matchmaker did shove in some bitcoin mining program that wasn’t told to its users very well (or at all), it was a good idea. Blizzard can do this, just don’t add a hidden bitcoin mining program.

I’ve seen teammates go completely nuts after a win because I did really well as Symmetra. “You wouldn’t have got all those elims if it weren’t for me” and that sort of thing, then racist/sexist insults.

But we won FFS.

I think it’s this “I’m carrying” mentality that so many people have. If they don’t carry, then some incompetent boob on their team must be the cause. But if they’re carrying, teammate competency shouldn’t matter, right? :laughing:

Medals is a big factor to this. Medals can encourage poor play by making people want damage or healing more than making a better play that will better contribute to the win. I have x gold medal I am carrying. You hear this in like 75% of games. Medals mean nothing though literally nothing.

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Kinda from the bottom posts up:

  1. While I don’t agree with Mergatroyd’s other posts necessarily, I do think medals might not be the right way to go. I always know someone is going to start complaining and being toxic when someone says “what’s gold elims at” or “what’s gold healing” or whatever. I think there are a lot of valid reasons why a dps might not have gold damage/elims or a specific healer might not have gold healing.

  2. Look, I’ve seen the “hey report x player for throwing / toxic” when it was bs, BUT! there is no way that is anywhere near the norm. I’m sorry, but some of this stuff is like conspiracy theory type thinking, like

If people lose an endorsement level, they get mad and report the last 40 or so ppl they played with in retaliation because someone or group was obviously reporting them to make them lose levels.

I don’t buy it. I get that sometimes people will do that kind of spite report, but at most “sometimes”.

  1. If you are complaining about there even being an option to report people for abusive chat, because it’s their choice to listen/read, so they gotta deal with it, well bro, that is definitely a two way street. You know the consequences for trash talking people, you know there’s a report abusive chat feature, so you should just suck it up and live with the consequences just like you expect the people you trash talk to do.