I'm quitting Pharah :upset:

I think you know this too, Pharah is the most frustrating hero to main on the forums because, no matter what you say or how amazing of a point you make, outsiders will always just fall back to one of 3 things without thinking, just as a mob mentality default answer:

  • she is literally untouchable by 95% of the cast she stays 83 miles away from the fight and kills people from afar therefore do not ever touch her kit, she is already too OP
  • barrage is a tradeoff lul
  • Pharmercy is cancer therefore buffing Pharah=end of the world

I think I’ve gotten jaded over the years of trying to address these points that fall on deaf ears, I think I’ll just link to my megapost about it from now on Megathread of Pharah complaints from a Pharah main it was the most successful one I’ve ever made and everything I wrote is still 100% accurate except for her boop now being 9 sec and she can suicide slightly slower (prob. in 4.5 sec instead of the current 3.92 sec lol)

How do you deal with Barrage by the way? Do you see the validity when I say I can get more done for the match by never using it and staying alive to use normal rockets vs taking 2 out with me and having to slowly walk back from spawn? It might be different in the high competitive scene but having a competent Zarya in quickplay/arcade is a huge request and doesn’t occur very often. Maybe if I had Zarya and Dva to protect me and we were all coordinated on comms every Barrage I would not have such a problem with it, but I kind of feel a dps ult should be viable alone, or at the least not end up with the user dying 9/10 times…

Maybe that’s too much to ask. I have dared Blizzard to release survival % chart of all ult users many times before, they’ve never done it though :laugh:

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