I'm probably going to start playing Moira again

So now she needs to track decently, is rewarded for accurate orbs, and has a clutch / utility ability ? Count me the heck in.

Only thing better would be to be able to cancel fade early for more control over the timing.

Also just wanna point out that this:

Kind of puts the “lock-on” argument to rest doesn’t it.

Also, holy heck, she’ll counter anti-nade. Awesome.


ik, my favorite part

finally ana mains get the taste of being hard countered

honestly I think these fade changes might’ve just made Moira one of the higher skill ceiling supports, there is so much potential in it. I think it’s going to get nerfed a bit though


Me too!

These changes feel amazing and fair


As much as I hate Ana and want to see her gone… I have to say that if Fade remains on 6 sec cd and it phases pretty much your whole team, nade will 100% have to be used for healing whenever there’s a Moira around. Maybe a bit too much of a hard counter.

They alread nerfed attach angle with current grasp, 50/20 is not enough imo for a medium difficulty attachment, need 55/25, if they still remember to match mercy beam heal with moira beam dmg.

Not to mention less attach range of orb.

I think she got enough nerfs to compensate for this. It’s a good skill curve raise imo.

I do think if these changes all go through we should see 1 second added to fade CD.


I don’t think so

the beam size is still pretty generous, I could hold a 70% acc before the nerf, and most of the 30% thats missing is from shooting at shields or people being out of range/los

she does less damage, but with her new damage orb can do a lot more to enemies that are CLOSE to her, which makes her better as anti dive, and worse as something that would be used to snipe off enemies (something people complained about)

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I’ll probably have to test the current width, but I think it’s getting small enough because radius decrease would be squared in matter of area.

The area she can cover rn, if I mind-mathed correctly, is exactly 40%.

Edit: Just went for the calculator, it’s 39.69%, so I think devs aimed for the 60% reduction in area but emitted the decimals.

Edit: nevermind it’s angle reduction, not radius reduction, so I guess it’s hard to calculate without the original angle number.

You know mercy was played over here for a year and a half during dive for a reason right

outclassed /=/ hard countered

“Clutch” lol

doesn’t count when it’s a 6s CD that takes no skill, planning or coordination to pull off.


You risk putting yourself in a bad position / mistiming it. You lose an escape by doing it to save an ally.

Also we now have a huge CC counter, is this not what people like?


Don’t bother Samito already spoke to the devs and it won’t go live. Lets all thank him for ruining the game for support players <3

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Meh, I’m just bothered by the fact that it leeches on to you and it’s not like hitscan or projectile in general, but it’s a rather good change.

It’s for 1s at the end of her Fade, it doesn’t hide your whole team for 6s. I think you misread the within 6 meters bit.

Edit: CD, cooldown, ignore me. But given that it only gives you a second of invulnerability, I’d say it definitely takes skill, planning, and coordination to make effective.

Glad to see a post from you that isn’t entirely negative :+1:

Raise Moira’s cooldown on fade to 9-12s and we’re good. I’ve wanted utility on her for awhile and cleanse is a perfect choice.

Ya totally FAIR.

My question is

Is Zarya now completely useless? How does this fade react with grav?