I'm not getting owl tokens

yesterday everything was fine but today it does not work
Does this happen to anyone else?

the tokens don’t work today for some reason.
no one is getting tokens today.

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I’m not either… definitely appears to not be working today.

Friday was fine for me. I got 3 tokens per hour. Then yesterday and today nothing?
I’ve tried watching through twitch, owl app and the website and nothing.
Below the video it even says I’m logged in and eligible for rewards :confused:

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Hey everyone, drops on Twitch stopped working today. Blizzard is aware of the issue. Please follow the updates on this thread for the latest news:

Right now I am tracking long-term issues with earning rewards on non-Twitch platforms. Please stick with Twitch and make sure your Blizzard account is linked to Twitch.

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is linked

No one has today. They are broken. They will probably reimburse us like when this happened on Thursday.

I got some tokens today

I unlinked to rejoin battlenet with twitch but now I can’t establish the link, an error appears

It’s funny that on a day where all games have done to 5 maps the tokens are broken. I have been watching since 2:30 PM EST, it’s 9:30. I should have 21 tokens right now on my way to 24.

If you logged onto the game the next day after getting tokens Saturday then those are from Saturday. No one has gotten drops today.

Yes, i got some tokens tonight

here’s a pic

gotta pad those twitch numbers with people who afk for tokens

Yeah, I just got my tokens as well.

Guess the Twitch notification is broken.

Obviously some of those are from yesterday… couldn’t have gotten 51 from today.

I just got 3 tokens… 3. I should have like 24 from today lol.

Just got another 3… think they’re trickling in now.