I'm not even a Symm main but y'all have lost your minds

This nerfs are rediculous. Symm actually started feeling good to play so I’ve been picking her up and then this happened. Like literally she finally had a chance against Tracer and other enemies and could be a threat instead of a tp bot and you just gut her.


I give up with their balancing team. Let’s not forget Brig getting nothing


Brig might as well be a defenseless walking bystander at this point because how can a front line healer be an actual front line healer if they have the defenses equivulant to a pillow fort.

And I actually really hated Brig 1.0, but no character deserves to be this garbage.


The devs truly hate sym. Honestly. Sym 1.0, gone. Reworked. 2.0 closer to balanced than now, needed a few buffs to be ok. Instead they do nothing for a year and rework her, ruining her, making her a glorified uber driver, and now we have sym 3.5, terrible, no defenses, and now a nerf. They truly hate sym.

Edit: i disliked brig, but even i have to admit they killed her. The delete brig movement worked i guess. Im sorry to all yall brig mains for what u have to play now.


Honestly if they just gave Symm her old E and ult back and kept the beam changes and turret changes without this beam nerf she would be perfectly fine. Like literally her E was so good because it had so much utility.

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Yes!!! Her shield was so good defensively and then they said “haha bye balance” and ruined her. I swapped to playing ashe because most times i cant bring myself to play her. I feel like 120 hrs on sym has been wasted.


They could also just give her the giant photon shield as an option if she wants to deploy that over the shield gen or tp.

edit: also they should keep the ability to where the dva bomb and such can go through her ult tp

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I literally picked her back up with Role Queue beta because I dropped her. I guess I’m a pick up Widow, Hanzo and maybe Reaper since every hero I like gets nerfed.


I guess stuff like this was bound to come after they ended up nerfing Torb of all characters.

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I am not a Sym main either, you do not have to be to see this nerf was stupid.


distant echo in the background


seriously this makes no sense why they choose this balance decision

like dude we just went from a bug fix and her feeling good to being gutted a millisecond later


With Sigma out, Sym was a decent counter to barriers and shields, etc too. I don’t like the Sym nerf but perhaps they want to keep the double+ barrier meta. :neutral_face:


c’mon bro, can we play bunker bro? just this once bro? c’mon let’s play bunker bro

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Probably because people hate widow too and less barriers means more widow. Still tho… Why do they nerf an UP hero to stop another from being oppressive?

Part of me wants to believe that they’re leaving Brig as she is for a bit in order to correct community thought about her. Basically, so long as people are still being blindly accepted as correct when they post their stupid “nerf brig” threads, and they aren’t immediately laughed and mocked off of the forums for being total idiots Brig cannot be buffed safely.

Then I look at Junkrat and Symmetra and I believe it less, and less, and less.

I think the forums are just a big meme at times personally.

Of course she started to feel good to play. Anything that becomes OP “starts to feel good to play”. That’s a given.

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Lmao okay this has to be a joke…

Dunno what you’re saying here, I just see Symmetra 3.0 as a much more objectively superior version of 2.0 kit design - wise, who finally required adequate amounts of skill to get value out of her and who got all of the frustration involved with playing against her removed.

Too bad this otherwise really good design has been overshadowed by how blatantly underpowered the hero has been since her last version’s release and as I can see from her latest ridiculous nerfs, the developers are not planning to change that anytime soon…

That’s simply sad…

Sym is also one of the only counters to this current double shield meta and now what are we expected to do. I hope blizzard has a new character up their sleeve that can completely get rid of shields because currently the game is so stale. I want fun metas like dive again. :frowning: I hate sounding whiney but characters who actually need nerfs and balance changes are being completely ignored. If OWL doesn’t play the characters blizzard could really careless…

Just change her name to taxi at this point.