I'm lost (vod review request)

Hey there, thank you for clicking on this and lets get straight to the point

I’m a high gold-very low plat rein sigma player, and tbh I don’t know what to do. I’m pretty sure my biggest issue is that I’m too reactive, because in my opinion its the safest thing to do, and this probably explain my more passive playstyle.

I’m afraid of being aggressive, mainly because I tend to explode very quickly and afraid that I might leave my support Los so taking more “aggressive” position just spells death for me.

I think I’m just bad at assessing the situation and when to engage. Anyway here are some codes, if anyone has the time please look over them and provide me some pointers, anyway thx for your time.

Busan (I don’t think I should’ve rein here, sombra just spreads my *ss open)

Route 66 (I’m pretty sure the genji and ana are smurfs, the defense round were not the greatest, I tried to sit on top the gas station to bully genji when he dives but that didn’t work out too well)

Volskaya ( Just another day on 2cp I guess)

I’m chyh4 in the replays

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I will take a look at this game.


You still haven’t reviewed mine…

Pay more attention to enemy ultimates like Pharah rocket Barrage.

Thanks! Now I will become easy Top 500 ;]

Also did you know: “Shooting enemies, can kill them!” This one was SO huge, I thought I was playing SimCity


Glad I could be of assistance. :]

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Your tips are of GM level!

My one tip for you will be:

You swap too often and between too many Heroes.

For example you swap off Sigma at 70% ultimate charge. (2:45)

Better to just one trick Reinhardt.

Overall I thought your level of aggression on this map was good with Reinhardt.

Here is an example of me playing Reinhardt on Volskaya Industries if it is of any use to you:

Thank you great rein god, I’m honoured to have been grazed by your presence, thank you for the gameplay, It was very inspiring.

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What does he do if he goes against bunker? Still smash his head into the wall as Rein? Outstanding Move! =]

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Glad I could be of assistance!