I'm level 1100 and still ranked bronze

Let me elaborate:
Your example of one guy doing some tinfoil theory with small enough sample size to not even matter even if he had a point and you tie it you with something that has never been linked to overwatch. I am aware of that patent and its highly likely that I have known about it way before you have. So let re pharse my self:

I have no idea what you are trying to say unless you have some actual sufficient evidence. Or well I have a good guess, but it would be rude to say it aloud.

The evidence is a patent from a company that has full use over that Mechanic. Add in the other mechanics to the matchmaking system that are kept from players, and you’ve a great little recipe for a system that just isn’t up to par with all the other FPS games taken seriously besides this one.

In addition to the above, I’ve a rather disturbing number of hours (weeks) dumped into this hot garbage fire of a game it turned into. Some accounts, do not climb to the next rank, even though that account has improved over the hundreds of hours. Enough to advance to the next rank.

And you’ll disagree. With all I’ve said, and all I would say, on the topic. As with each and every thread on this forum, only a very few are open to discussion, and the vast sweeping majority are only interested in fighting.

So why bother continuing communicating with one another? Unless you’ve some reason I’ve overlooked.

No its not. How do you fail to understand that?

I’ll quote myself.


Ofcourse I disagree. What else can I do? Should I get a tinfoil hat now because you have one or what? Bring E V I D E N C E. Do you understand that:

  1. Blizzard/Activision has a lot of games.
  2. Even if that they can use it on any game, just having the patent is not evidence that they use it on any game, yet alone on Overwatch.

Bringing your evidence, would require the OW Dev team admitting that the patent shown above is being used in game. All we have is what’s out there, and not what is in the Dev HQ.

You think it’s not used? Cool. Good for you.

I think it is used? Cool. Good for me.

Who cares either way? I’m the hell off this game in a week or so for a better FPS with a system that doesn’t use SR/MMR.

You’re effectively yelling into an empty room, making generalizations and judgements on someones gameplay you’ve spent not 1 minute with.

So once again, “why bother continuing communicating with one another? Unless you’ve some reason I’ve overlooked.”

Bring me one of these accounts and I will prove you wrong. Oh you wont? Ahh, a huge surprise. I have seen plenty claim this, last one was like a week ago and he even challenged anyone to prove him wrong. Me and one other guy volunteered and guess what, he instantly backed off, even tho he said “anyone” can take the challenge like 20 mins ago. I wonder why… Are you up for the challenge?


I can imagine being very frustrated with everything, especially if you’ve devoted so many hours to the game, only to remain stuck.

I would say my advice would be: pick one hero per category to focus on learning to the max. Just get used to playing that one hero really well, and becoming knowledgeable enough with that one hero to carry your games. You want to be able to reach a point where you’re winning more SR with your wins than losing with your losses (remember that no matter what, your winrate will almost always be close to 50%, so you want to maximize your SR gain with each win and minimize your SR loss with each loss), and you really can best accomplish this in bronze by maximizing your abilities with one (maybe two) heroes.

Artemmy? There is nothing under the sun I can say to you to sway your mind an inch to what I’m talking about. Nothing. Let’s pretend I provide you some account that gives you what you’re looking for. You honestly think you’d go ‘Well. There you are. You’re right. Fair enough.’?

Why prove a thing to some anonymous person over the internet that they petulantly demand? What will that do? How gives a rats behind what you think? I’ve sunk 1700 hours into this account alone. I know who I’m routinely paired with. The types of players. They’re sure not like myself. And I’m sick to death of being mired with those types. Time to pull the ripcord and find enjoyment in an FPS game elsewhere. That’s it. That’s all.

So once again, “why bother continuing communicating with one another? Unless you’ve some reason I’ve overlooked.”

Don’t worry, I’ll cry with you.

It’s not possible to climb anymore– especially as a tank or support main, and especially if people aren’t willing to work together and switch to counter what’s rolling you to begin with.


No. There is nothing you can say because your claims are not evidence. But like said, it wasnt a huge surprise that you wouldnt accept the challenge. Also you seem like you are sure you posses one of those accounts and you seem to leave the game anyways, so why not donate the account for science? So after you leave the game you can at least learn that you were wrong? Or your just not interested or what? You wanna stay in your comfy bubble?


Already done, Sir. Already done. There comes a time in some hobbies where you’re just not going to advance, even though you know for a fact you’ve improved.

How? Any number of things to improve ones play. Reviewing each win and loss at length, aim practice for days on end, watching any number of high end players to learn ins and outs that others just done use. Simply playing, and marveling at the plethora of players that refuse to simply retreat. Etc, etc, etc.

Eventually, you have to say 'Enough nonsense. This other game just plays better, and has a better internal system the Devs give every iota of ‘how it works. Time to move.’

So once again, “why bother continuing communicating with one another? Unless you’ve some reason I’ve overlooked.”

I have actual, real life, hard evidence for you, I just need your help to provide the materials, because if I would provide the materials, you would claim my materials were not the right materials.

So once again, “why bother continuing communicating with one another? Unless you’ve some reason I’ve overlooked.”

Ok nice. You claim things, with absolutely no evidence. I claim I can get you evidence but you refuse to see the evidence. Thats what is called a religion. Have fun.

I asked you a bunch of simple to answer questions you avoided.

We’ve nothing to say to each other.

So if I answer your questions will you accept the challenge for hard evidence instead of both just claiming things without evidence and accept the results of the test?

I care zero about your experiment. You care zero about my questions.

I’m moving on in a week to another game. Mercifully. That’s it. There’s really nothing to say to each other. Bark up another tree for your account to prove -insert pointless babble I didn’t bother to read about here-.

There is around zero questions, but I could have at least make an rebuttal to your claims. All your questions are like:

This is just a question out of the topic anyways and I can answer these kind of questions if you wouldnt run away from evidence.

This for example is not a question, its a claim.