I'm just sick and tired of the damn lies

if you want short Q times play quickplay not comp

I don’t know why some people replied to you agressively but here is the essencial in my opinion. Any player who played this game more than 3 years knows, it is close to impossible to make all the characters balanced within themselves, there will always be fluctuations of imbalance and thats just because of the game’s intricacy. HOWEVER, having played this game since literally the first launch, I can easily say that GOATS, HOG, or whatever problem OW had previously, it doesn’t remotely come close to this matchmaking issue. It is such a central problem that it affects everything (including making it seem like there are characters that are too op when its simply a skill gap issue). The reality is… the situation in character balance is not terrible rn.
i’ve seen some people saying that they rather get faster games and they are probably newer players or lower ranks so i’m not accusing them or anything but I do wanna point out the fact that grinding until masters and then playing with golds is not right in any sort of aspect. Getting faster games is not worth that…

I’d prefer longer queues and less bad matches.
The time I spend in a bad match is considerably longer and far more miserable than the extra time it would take to wait for some fair players.

A crap match is routinely what has me booting up Deep Rock Galactic instead.


Finally it took almost 100 posts to get the “GIT GUD” guy.

Rule of thumb - if game is trash from the start, chances are rest of it is no better.

Maybe you don’t have good hardware, then cloud gaming will be good for you. Assuming you got good internet.

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it’s actually the other way now

no idea why

And that’s why I quit the game , after playing it since ow1 beta .
This game is just a pure disgrace .
New heroes besides JQ are pure frustration fuel , matchmaking is total dog water , new maps don’t feel like ow, no more tank synergy , the WHOLE match is dictated by the better tank . You could have a top notch widow , if your tank is Garbo you just don’t win . I had this happen both on my team and the other team .

Man only if I was at the head of blizzard , I would fire all the dudes in charge of systems and balancing and hire some that care about the game and know what the hell they doing .


Considering that what we have now is literally just a cut and paste of what was before and it’s not actually a sequel in any form but rather just has a few changes yes we will and can compare it with “OW1”. When they changed the name all they did was take one tank out and nerfed shields while taking out most cc. That was it. So nothing new other than heroes and maps and one “mode” that doesn’t make a sequel when it’s exactly the same as the original.


the game is still an early access beta test, which is 25% of what it should have been and what we were promised.

it was released too early to make quickly some money, not because the players claimed it in that disastrous state, with no pve, no community part (guild)

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oh thats fair, after all the hardware shortages.

For real though, I’m tired of being gold going against diamonds and masters in quickplay. I’m also tired of being gold against a team of bronzes. It’s never fun. And for balancing Sojourn is still super annoying to go against, same with Ramattra in his ultimate. And Orisa just towers over everyone in low ranked matches. There are about 7 must pick heroes, and the rest are useless unless you REALLY know what you’re doing.


Absolute joke - how many companies of Blizzard’s size had 50+ million in settlements over staff misconduct and sexual harassment with the SEC in the last few years? Guess what, it’s a tiny tiny minority.

Choosing to work for a company that has this issue is a choice made by people who who are okay with being surrounded by scum and trash. Good people don’t want to work alongside filth who get sued for sexual harassment.

It’s really no wonder they lie about the simple stuff like fixing the matchmaker - what’s one more bad thing on top of all the other garbage they’re associated with?


Anyone that actually played in the most early stages of OW1 would know how much of a bull comment this is. This is more opinion based than factual.

Updates were applied almost bi-weekly, bad or highly unpopular updates that happen all the time in OW2 almost never happened in OW1. Preventative measures were, such as experimental were added to mitigate such updates. While I agree some updates that were highly unwanted would slip through the cracks but this was much more rare.

What happened to hero bans when it made large chunks of players to simply not play or worse, underperform? They were removed or adjusted what seemed like overnight, which was 2 weeks instead of almost 2 months. Over self-defending never happened on reddit up until now when tone-deafness never happened.

You can disagree; deep down inside you know that any comment is almost pure opinion based. But at this point you’re obviously just a Blizzard staff member trying to defend Blizzard’s doormat.

Riot employee detected.

Keep living in fantasy.

roit does not need to have people come here to talk negative about the game

blizzard has managed to do this all on their own

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Not a fantasy that Blizzard employees got sued for mass sexual harassment and had to settle with the SEC. Oops, in fact it’s exactly reality. These people are trash.

No one on the Overwatch team is “willingly working with filth/scum/trash”

You continue to tie together the Overwatch team and entirely separate parts of Blizz that have had allegations brought against them. You are being dishonest. You can continue this conversation by yourself :yawning_face:

But if you look at it stats wise, it’s true. If you’re losing all the time, the common denominator is you. Not your teammates.

I have no problem with admitting i could get better, why does everyone else seem to think they don’t need to get better?

Summary on Mercy’s Changes after Feb 7 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)

hello there! xD