I'm genuinely speechless

And yet her pickrate and winrate barely rose, despite everyone saying she was too strong she went nowhere (and we will never know if she could have gone somewhere because she got shoved back into F-tier because the pros didn’t like that provided counterplay to a lot of their heroes).
And lets not pretend that it’s difficult for D.Va or Mei (or Hammond now) to spray in her general direction to stop her from hacking and force a retreat or to check for stealth.

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if they kept her like she was her pickrate and winrate would rise after other players realizing how strong she is

i pretty much lost most of my games againts her, her buff was strong and no one could really counter her

everyone cries about tracer having no counters yet pre nerf sombra was much worse version of tracer that just hacks you all the time

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Think it’s self evident from her stats that having so much counterplay is actually not what she needs at all.

All this counterplay is exactly why she can’t jusr get on with her job. Half the counter play isn’t play at all, is stray accidental fire.

The stats say otherwise and we have zero proof that she would have been too strong because she wasn’t around long enough so that’s not a good enough reason.

so just because a hero is weak right now its fine to buff them but not giving them any weaknesses?

i want sombra to be viable not like she was before they nerfed her, the only counterplay that was possible was lucky cc

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She has all of the weaknesses.

Yes she’s weak, always has been weak and at this rate always will be.

It’s okay to give a weak hero straight, direct buffs without taking something else away. Other heroes got that when they were weak.

These were here pre nerf stats.

They weren’t healthy, she wasn’t particularly viable even then.

Her weaknesses are already there! Do you not understand that? Have you never played Sombra? That’s why she needs her strengths buffed and why she doesn’t need more nerfs.
She needs to be hard buffed, none of this 1 step forward 3 steps back nonsense because otherwise she’s just going to get weaker and weaker.

If that was a good argument, Tracer would never have needed to be countered by Brigitte.


im fine with buffs but im not fine with buffing her and giving her zero counterplay

nobody wanna play againts pre nerf sombra because you couldn’t do anything againts her especially if you’re playing main tank

I’m not using the “just shoot her lol 4head” excuse, Sombra’s abilities are literally countered by damage.
Shoot a stealthed Sombra and she comes out of stealth, shot Sombra whilst she’s channelling hack and it gets cancelled and goes on CD for 2 seconds. That’s her counter.

Funny. I’m a Tank main. It’s Rein mains who lost their minds, and somehow managed to drag us all in to that complaint. I never had a problem with her when not playing Rein.

no idea what rank you are but a hacked rein is a free team fight win on mine

get hacked and you’re screwed which was EXTREMELY easy for pre nerf sombra

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Funny thing about her previous buff. Yes, at first her pickrate doubled, winrrate rose a bit, but then it started to fall, even without nerfs. And nerfs… well… basically put her in the same place she was before.

I can certainly see where the Sombro mains are coming from but “shoot her” is not a valid argument in terms of counter play…invisibility/stealth is already horrible to play against.
These changes are undoubtedly a nerf over-all though no idea what blizzard want for the hero…

Good Sombra already know how to do this easily, we don’t need infinite invis. Infinite invis allows Sombra’s to waste time.

I main Rein, and back then, if I even saw Sombra on the other team, I was tempted to switch. I got so triggered so fast my teams thought I was crazy. It is impossible to be Rein with just a hammer and no abilities. But, onto this topic, as I was getting triggered remembering, these are not buffs and cannot be compared to back then. Sombra is still terrible and the devs seem to never want to fix her or take advice from players

Yeah, I said, when not playing Rein. Thing is, I am always willing to switch when countered. Many Rein players seem more resistant. Sombra can do very little to the other Tanks. Tanks usually have support in any case, which makes them very high risk to actually engage, which is why she tend to go for back lines a lot.

when they add more main tanks that can counter sombra sure

but right now every main tank is countered by sombra

I think if they are going to make detection range 4 meters then damage shouldn’t destealth you.