🍞 I'm baking bread

I have done nothing but teleport bread for 3 days.


Cut the bread and check


I said “For some reason” because for some reason poting about Valorant here became a thing. I never said I prefered anything. I actually kinda don’t care about fixing bread unless it’s relevant to me.

You’re obviously trying to get on the guy about the thread not being relevant to overwatch.

I know the rules of the forums.


W-wait, is this supposed to be a reference to a tf2 video? I think.

I have now seen your future

You have run out of food and all you have left is bread

You know bread is in Overwatch, right?


I don’t see how that changes things.

Ok. I’d be fine with that.

You know they also say cars with tires are in Overwatch… but…

Correct! Affirmative! :eagle: :us: :bread:

Yeah what’s up with that? Don’t they fly or something… wasting rubber, polluting the planet, what were the developers thinking?

Only 3 places I have seen tires…

Winston’s pad, the moon and Junkrat’s Ult.

Maybe It’s around a conspiracy with space monkeys and Junkrat?

thanks medic :slightly_smiling_face:

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looks to see if I wrote this post hmmmm nope wasn’t me.


01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110100 01110101 00101110 01100010 01100101 00101111 00110000 01001010 01100111 01000110 00110100 01000011 01001101 01011000 01010101 00111001 01001101

Honestly never played TF2… was too focused with other games to get around to it.

(Still have no interest too either.)

Slow clap

You should try it out though, it’s free. It’s rather addictive and fun. Just it’s waaaayyy more toxic than overwatch… Way more… I have nightmares still for playing spy.

Bread :bread: :baguette_bread:

Likely just gonna focus on finishing Fallout 4 right now. (Almost finished it completely.)

Then back to Oblivion