Illari is now Lowest Picked Support

Is it true that her healing output varies depending on the time of day on each map?

She was nerfed till ground.

I feel blizzard will have a look at her…at some point in 2024.


who on earth told you such claim?

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Internet, probably. Swear I saw a video on it.

But it looks like it was myth busted. Which is good, its the reason I wasn’t picking her.

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Nerf pylon healing, add a small lingering heal to her beam.

Gives her more consistency and flexibility without breaking her power budget.

That video was click bait lol

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I know she got several nerfs by her release but quite frankly I’d rollback some of them.

In my opinion the worst thing about her is her ult. It’s just horrible:

  • It’s slow to cast,
  • people run away you shoot,
  • you barely hit people and when you do hit them they just heal the initial damage,
  • the explosion has such a delay /low DMG that people can burst heal or just use barriers, Kiriko bean, lifeweaver, transcendence or whatever or they just heal.

Definitely the worst support ult right now. I feel the using it is a waste of time, I’d rather just shoot and heal.


Hi Paw


She’s really underrated. Yeah not the best support out there but definitely solid. I get great results with her. You have to be on top of your game when it comes to moving the pylon and destroying it before enemies shoot at it for optimal healing with her

It’s definitely the worst support ult. Everything else about her is fine imo

Wait, how can you add emojis to the forums?

The video I watched was a short I had scrolled through (even though I said I would never give in to doom scrolling) and actually showed examples but I took it at face value and didn’t look into it further. Definitely fell for the click bait.

You have to use them a lot and get your trust up

Let me disagree on that. I fell in love with her but compared to Ana , for instance, she’s very sub pair.

Her gun discharges too fast, her primary fire dodges enemies, she has VERY limited range and you can’t be aggro with the pylon- once people see it they automatically aim at it.

Ana for instance can heal at any range, has burst heal in a pinch, her heals pass through allies with full HP…

I didn’t live through her “strong debut” but I’d reconsider some nerfs.



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I mean what she offers is pretty much moot now with how little reward there is

The ONLY thing she has is hitscan headshot damage

Shame that Baptiste has been around for like 4 years

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Agree with everything you said apart from this. Her damage was just too high for a support role and the damage nerf was a welcome change.

The issue I find with her is that she relies too much on her Pylon to be viable. In certain maps, you can hide the pylon from LOS and switch between damaging and healing, and that’s where I think Illari is a bit too strong. But on certain maps where you can’t use the LOS advantage or when your pylon is destroyed, Illari is indeed the weakest support hero, period.

I think her damage is fine as it is. Increasing the pylon’s health isn’t going to do much in my opinion. I think the cooldown should be reduced, or allow her to switch the location of the pylon with the pylon health resetting to full each time.

Just throwing ideas here.

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Don’t know if it’s really on her to have the lowest pick rate right now. On Sigma comps she’s pretty good, but Mauga mirror’s don’t do much to encourage someone to play Illari.

She isn’t fine.

That’s not her problem. Bap, Ana, and Kiriko have nothing to do with how easily her pylon is destroyed and how much that cripples her healing output. Bap, Ana, and Kiriko have nothing to do with pylon’s 15 second cooldown. They have nothing to do with her beam not being able to even save one person from pressure due to the resource and it’s own cooldown when spent. Those other characters have nothing to do with her kit lacking any consistent other utility yet being so easy to cripple the other support aspect.

And it wouldn’t add any utility to her kit, make pylon any better, not make her healing output crippled as easily, or make her beam feel better to play with or use.

People keep coping because they’re biased against the character, Ana and Bap aren’t the biggest issues with Illari, her biggest issues are within her own kit and have to do with her own kit.