If you're "bug fixing" Hog, fix his weird hook disconects please

Anyone who plays Hog knows his hook breaks when it shouldn’t, I’m talking about in the open with a clear, constant los on the enemy with no interference. It’s infuriating and unfair. I hook a soldier and he turned to the right and put a bio field down and it broke on oasis in the room with the mini health kit on the university by the center hole. Same game Genji double jumped and it broke. PLS FIX.

I thought that fix was on the PTR right now. Is it not in the most recent patch notes?


IDK i’ll check, thanks. Boutta try PTR, brand new to PC btw.

I’m on console. I just try to keep up with the PTR as much as I can.

So you’re complaining about something you actually haven’t looked into yourself? Before you make a post, get your facts right. It’s on the PTR. And yes, you play on Console so they don’t have a PTR. However, you managed to find out about Hog’s bug fixes, so surely you can do the same with his hook fixes.

I ain’t trying to get chat banned on here too lmao.

What do you mean?

Yeah I just got it now, tryns try it. Also no more pinned from rein when behind him yurrr. But apparently jumping on the enemy Rein’s head and earthshattering will no longer be a thing. RIP