If your teammates are throwers, it does not effect your sr

Let’s say that in the beginning of a ranked game somebody picks Hanzo, doesn’t use voice at all, and never leaves the spawn room. I’m not denying this would lose you the match, but what about metals? With one less person competing for metals, it should be much easier for you and everyone else on the team to get at least one gold, which will decrease the amount of SR you lose greatly. The best situation of someone else throwing is if you end up with a 5 stack of throwers, because you just get all the medals and lose very little sr, maybe even under five. Am I the only one who thinks this?

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Performance SR does not depend upon medals, or your teammates. It is done by comparing your performance to other players of your hero/map/SR. “The calculation of your SR adjustment after a match doesn’t look at your teammates, but instead compares you to the performance of other similarly skilled players with that hero across an enormous pool of competitive matches. So, we compare your Genji play to the play of other Genjis, Ana vs. Anas, etc.” – Scott Mercer, Overwatch Forums

So in general leavers will hurt your performance SR (in addition to making it more likely to lose the match), because it is is harder to perform well when down a person.

See How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 13) for more detail on how and the system works, especially the section on the leaver penalty.

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It doesnt matter if teammates are throwers, leavers. If you are good you will climb (supposedly)

How about you stop complaining, suck it up, take the L, and move on. Your post should target a specific issue at hand to avoid toxicity. It is far better for Blizzard to be proactive than reactive.

Why not give us unlimited avoid as teammates (and accept the fact that the matchmaker may take longer)? That’s a more relevant point of discussion.

Not lowering your rank because of another player’s toxicity? C’mon man xD who’s going to judge what’s considered toxic and what’s not? That is all subjective in of itself.

Like I said, we, Blizzard rather, need to be proactive rather than reactive.

A “team” can’t survive without all 6 people helping eachother. By extension, when your healers, DPS and tanks are not performing, your overall performance is also decreased because of how skilled the enemy may be with a particular composition.

If a McCree, Soldier76, Hanzo, Dva or Widow among other counters" is not killing a Pharrah or at least damaging her to force her to retreat for heals, then she goes uncontested and can be more effective at countering other heros. That in turn effects those players and their overall performance based on how their mechanical skill compares to that of the player shooting at them.

Tanks soak and block damage, Healers negate damage and do some damage, DPS deals damage.

If the healer is DPSing more often than they are healing then the tanks and DPS will die.

If the tanks and DPS are not defending their healers, then the healers will die.

If the DPS aren’t supporting the healers and the tanks, the tanks will die.

It is a synergy that can’t be avoided if you hope to win. And unless one player is overwhelmingly powerful and the enemy is not good at what they are doing, (and that is simply not the case more than maybe 15% of the time in lower tier matches) you have a decreased chance of winning regardless of the MatchMaker giving you 50/50 odds of winning.

A player may THINK they are carrying, but when the DPS is more concerned with their medals and the healers die, the tanks can die. And once the team is staggered, team cohesion suffers.

One person not doing what they are mechanically supposed to do, the way their hero was designed to perform, causes an imbalance and other people suffer for it.

Dva not absorbing Moira Orbs, Barrages and Flame Strikes.

Reinhardts that charge out of line of sight or take their shileds down too much for the sake of getting a few swings in, or they dont position themselves correctly at corners etc.

When people trickle onto a point and die, they try to 1v6 cause they think they are OP cause they have their ult.

All of these actions directly AND indirectly effect how things will play out because it interrupts that synergy.

When it comes to punishment systems, being proactive rather than reactive is not always a good choice. That is what causes innocent people to suffer more than those that deserve to be punished because the system is not capable of determining who is truly at fault and that’s how auto suspensions and autro-bans get applied because people have a crappy OPINION about what is toxic, and thanks to Blizzard and the vague/broad wording written in the CoC which reads “Anything that the COMMUNITY deems toxic”, which when 100 peeople you meet in a 4-5 day period report you for giving them HELPFUL advice, you get an auto silence despite having done NOTHING wrong.

Players who keep offering constructive criticism, which in reality is a GOOD thing when it comes to Competitive play, should not suffer simply because so many false reports go in and cause an auto-silence-suspension.

If people tell you to “F off” when you ask a Dva to absorb the Moira Orbs and Flame Strikes that are flying into your team and hitting the back line players and they don’t do it after the 10th time that you have POLITELY asked them to, they have no grounds for complaining about not getting any heals 30 seconds later when they decide to push forward and the healers are dead.

Blizzard needs to implement a system similar to the highlights that allows you to record the game in real time and include the voice chat, and you can attach a clip to your report so that can be used against someone and showcase their behavior in the game.

Not everyone can record their experiences, so doing that would be the next best thing.