If you want better teammates - earn them

in some cases OW matchmaker places in one game players with almost ~1000 SR difference… and thats HUGE diff in player skill(especially in low ranks)
btw im never asking my teammates to “play better” because this problem created by developers and other players are just innocent victims like me xD


So do you not think your SR is a fair reflection of your skill? And do you flame your team mates?

Well no, it’s like the NFL evenly distributing players across teams so players are playing with team mates of similar skill level based on their stats and previous wins.

THEN the QB complaining that he is stuck with trash team mates and flaming them to their face.

Then me telling that QB, if you wanted a better team, prove you are better.

And yes, I fully agree with this sentiment.

Where there are outliers, it’s not their fault really - it is the matchmaker.

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Thankyou. This genuinely made me laugh.

While I understand getting frustrated at your teammates since it is a very team-reliant game, your teammates are only as good as you are.

Believing your teammates are always the issue is what stops people from climbing, because they don’t want to admit to themselves that they’re just as bad as their teammates… that’s why they’re in the same rank…

And ontop of this… some people take it a step further and try to create an argument that x role isn’t impactful enough since they can’t carry on that role in their rank…


No, this thread is the equivalent of someone screaming at their car that it won’t take them where they want to go but they refuse to learn to drive.

You don’t have to learn to drive but don’t scream at your car.

Nothing wrong with being hardstuck (I am). Just don’t flame your team mates is all.


lol that is a hillarious analogy.

my opinion is that if you want to solo queue and climb its going to be a big uphill battle unless your skill is like way more than the rank you should be. so it actually makes sense when gm players do their unranked to gm streams. since they are way above skill compared to other players they climb QUICKLY while an average player has to play over 100 games or more

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There are horrible players at high ranks.

Because of the forced 50/50 SR system even as a terrible player if you got carried to Diamond or higher its hard for you to drop rank.

So bad post is bad.


Even in the NFL, if you’re on a garbage team and you want to be on a Superbowl-winning team, you have to perform well enough that it occurs to other team owners that you’d be an asset to their team as well. You’ll never have people throwing contracts at you for better teams if you aren’t distinguishing yourself.

Obviously an algorithmically-driven system is limited in its ability to “draft” a good player to a higher SR. But in a 6v6 environment in the pleb tiers (hi, it me), all teams are more or less evenly distributed in the competence/potato ratio. If I am really so good that I should be in a higher tier, then I’ve given my team an edge, because the other team is six potatoes, while mine is five potatoes and one TruGamer. Over time, that will manifest in climbing, even if I can’t solo carry my team every game. The odds have still tipped in my favor.

(Hypothetically, of course—I am at peace with my potatoness)

And of course, there are some games that are going to have the one off smurf, or cheater, or random person from two ranks down who doesn’t want to be there any more than you want them there, which are not winnable. Those will slow down your climb. But it will take a lot more time than a GM on a smurf rocketing through silver, because lol.

Like was brought up further upthread—unranked to GM climbs (or ESPECIALLY the much less cool bronze to GM climbs) would not be possible if players couldn’t consistently rise through the ranks despite performing above their current tier.

This is always stunning to me. It really boils down to “I don’t think my teammates’ contributions should matter”, and… um?

Assuming that the person making the complaint is anywhere near strong enough to solo carry in the first place, of course, which is probably less likely than they think.

Remove performance base sr abd this will be true ultill then ppl will stay bad because there sr are being subside by a bad mmr system

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I read this in Queen Cersei’s voice


“One day I pray you love someone. I pray you love her so much, when you close your eyes you see her face. I want that for you. I want you to know what it’s like to love someone, to truly love someone, before I spawn camp her.”

— Cersei Lannister - Doomfist Main

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Dunno why y’all are responding to the obvious bait from the alt account.

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It’s also important to remember you’re not playing against bots.

You’re playing with real people at the same rank as you and your teammates. They will be making the exact same type of mistakes as your teammates.

Assuming you’re genuinely better than your rank, your team should always have an advantage.

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looooool just climb looooooooool


This would be a very good argument if the SR ratings had parity between the 3 roles.

Which they categorically do not have, as they are dependent upon the pool of players you are being compared to which are skewed in a very unequal manner.

Only people that have made significant movement along the ladder would realize this, which makes me wonder what makes you an authority on how the ladder works anyway.


The problem with that though is it isn’t. Absolutely no where does the matchmaker say this is why these supports or tanks or dps are equal. That’s the main issue with 222. I like it, but it was rushed and not properly implemented.


I’m not claiming to be an authority on how the ladder works.

I don’t think anyone here can claim that.

I’m just saying don’t flame your team mates because they are at your rank.

How the SR is distributed across roles makes no difference to this. At higher SR, you get more skilled team mates and at lower SR, you get lower skilled team mates.

Why does it make any difference as to whether you are an objective 7/10 DPS at 3000SR and an objective 7.2/10 Tank at 3000SR?

Do you mind rephrasing? I’m not trying to be rude, I’m genuinely not sure I understand what you are getting at.

Just use app to unlock the car. ‘Dont you have a phone?’

You could have 75% accuracy and still lose if you get a rein with untimely shield drops. This game isn’t a clone shooter (CSGO, where everyone has exactly the same weight) with huge carry potential. Top500s lose matches in plat. They just get out really fast because their MMR isn’t settled in their “educational” climbs.

Several people also attest to this having their alt 500+ over their main. You can attribute that to less pressure on their alt, but there are a myriad of variables we don’t see that could be negatively affecting your experience


Earn them? how? by being the only one out of 6 people in the team that gets kills every fight while the other 5 aren’t doing much?

I often times get 2 to 3 kills as Doom or something, but die for it, you’d think it’s worth it but most of the time, nope! your team lose a 5v3/5v2 to a Reaper and a Mercy, or a Zarya Cree and Baptiste.

How am I supposed to “earn” good teammates like that? I think i’ve already done enough and got more than enough damage, the team needs to help, it ain’t just me.


First off trading your life for 2-3 kills is always worth it assuming it turns the fight into a 5v3 or 5v2 as you claim. Secondly, we know that’s not what you do. We can see your profile. :rofl: