If you think Mercy isn't fun or impactful anymore

Call it late for dinner if you wish, it’s representative of forumgoers.

with apologies, bias is bias; and the opinion of forumgoers does not necessarily represent the opinion of the entire player community, many of which have never touched the forums

Nothing will ever represent the entire community, that’s impossible. The survey is the best we got.

Even if I were to agree for the sake of argument that it is “the best we got”, I would still say it is not free enough of bias to be worth anything in terms of proving anything

If we had two rotten and worm-filled apples, and one apple is more rotten and/or worm filled than the other than the other, the apple with less rot and less worms is “the best we got”. It remains rotten and worm filled.

And if you’re dying of starvation, the rotten apple will do.

I dont think we’re starving in this case, to extend the metaphor

Show me the food then, by which I mean good data.

I dont have any

I dont think that legitimate data of this sort has ever been collected

Then we are starving.

I dont think we are.

I see this as a want rather than a need.

Alright let’s take that survey eventhough it’s biased.
I’m a data analyst and actually responded to the original thread and did some reading on the survey. Not only are the questions terrible, you don’t want open questions in a survey.
The answers are terrible as well.

The first question is “Do you enjoy playing as Mercy currently?”
People answer that with No.

The second question is “Why do/did/don’t you enjoy Mercy?”
The same people that answer “No” on question 1 respond with how they do enjoy Mercy.

So not only is the survey held under a biased audience, it’s structure is wrong which leads to response bias and a lot of people contradict themselves due to the poor questioning.

Because people don’t use it what it is intended for, which is susstain, but for what they think it should do, which is burst like Zen’s ult.

Most of the threads still want mass ress back and have been arguing for that since the rework.

Indeed her core was changed.

Core pre-rework:

  • Healing/Boost
  • Guardian angel
  • Pistol


  • Healing/Boost
  • Enhanced Guardian Angel
  • Pistol
    -Ressurect as an ability

Mercy’s core definitly can do more then before her rework.

So an ability that Mercy didn’t have before and got after the rework isn’t a new aiblity? We litteraly have new button to use an ability with.

No Valkery is the new ult.
Her ult got changed and she gained a new E ability with the rework.

Which is a good thing, she has her place in the game. Just like Brig and Moira suit goats. Ana fits in with a more deathball 2-2-2. Etc. We’re finally getting in a place where all supports are viable instead of 1 being OP and defining the meta.

Exactly why? She’s viable, she can keep up with other healers, she has her place in certain comps. Altough the current meta isn’t in her favor.

So we come down to people not liking her, which is feelings based. And you do not balance around feelings of players.

And if the general Overwatch people would actually not enjoy Mercy, she wouldn’t be at a 14% pickrate in a meta that is against her.


Thank you.

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Point taken. Ignore that then.

That’s missing the point. The point being valk is poorly designed regardless of its balance state.

Because the rework made it worst and people just defaulted to mass ress.

I’m not arguing for it. I think current Mercy can be vastly improved with some simple changes, even QOL changes.

No, she can’t. Her Q was balanced and switch to E, her healing and boost diminished, Valk takes away target choice which makes her player do less.

That’s semantic. Res was a Q, now it’s an E. It’s not new.

It’s a new ability the player can use. I really rather not get bogged down in semantic.

Not arguing for buffs.

tdlr: Lacks room for player expression. Buffing/nerfing isn’t going to change that significantly.


A character in this game is much more than how they play. People would probably play Genji regardless of his gameplay just because he’s a badass ninja cyborg. Mercy is great overall, her gameplay however…

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