If you think Jeff leaving OW is good, you're mistaken

That’s not proof of anything.

Tigole can say whatever he wants, doesn’t mean it actually happened that way.

Unless you were in the meetings and in correspondence with the other management, there’s no way to prove what he said is true.

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I was talking about this with my lady last night, and we both fear the same thing. Jeff made it pretty painfully obvious he had to fight to make it so they could redefine the sequel. And everything in OW is for the most part free. Jeff was a good guy - and I want nothing but success for him going forward, but I do fear for OW as a game now that he’s gone.

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" If you think Jeff leaving OW is good, you’re mistaken"

Basically yes. It does not elevate the debate. The rest of your post is honest to my mind, but you don’t have to sell it like stupid clickbait websites. That title is your opinion, so you should have put an “I” for instance like “I really think you are mistaken” and off you go, fair. Without it, seems like God’s law.


Either way, at the end of the day we’re getting our cosmetics in OW2. Whether it was because of him or not, we’ll see if they ever release an OW3 and don’t feel inclined to do that again

This is actually good, I mean, maybe finally OW can die now :laughing:

It was already on its deathbed :pensive:

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then it will not hurt as much when it does :upside_down_face: I’ve already moved on, I don’t put in any souyl to this game anymore, I do play it, but it’s mostly for a social thing with friends and not because I like the game :smiley:

You guys are being very dramatic about all of this.

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Suppose Jeff was consumer friendly. Who is to say his replacement is not? That is an assumption you are making.

Eh I was never a big fan myself and I’m excited for new leadership. Perhaps a lot of what Kaplan ignored, such as toxicity, will finally be addressed.

Time will tell. Overall its a huge loss for the game…but if things pick up in a positive way after his departure that’s going to raise A LOT of uncomfortable questions.

Jeff grew up in a time where games weren’t over run by corporate big wigs and extreme monetization and he’s fought hard to keep the integrity of games alive. I have mad respect for the guy. He put his foot down with Activision and wouldn’t allow them to walk all over his game and when they said “you don’t have a choice anymore” he left. Really hoping Jeff joins dream haven and we see some magic happen with that studio. I fear for the future of overwatch and I feel I should start distancing myself now before all the bs micro transaction f2p crap comes in.


Jeff left to spend his days pumping iron and attend church every Sunday aka the perfect life for any muscle mass freak of nature.

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True, but after seeing what happened with Destiny 2 and a lot of devs leaving because of Activision, I’m concerned for Overwatch 2

It feels like the same mistakes of the past are repeating yet again

Devs leave companies – it’s what happens. Maybe he got a better offer. Maybe he’s leaving to work on a passion project. Maybe he’s joining that new studio with a bunch of his buddies. It was no doubt planned for some time.

True, but this happened during development for a major title. It tells a bad sign about it all

I hope its all nothing and Jeff just wanted a better position somewhere else, but its a bit grim

It should be stated that this development was unusually protracted due to extraordinary circumstances. It doesn’t surprise me that someone would leave during such a time, as it would unreasonable for him to forego his next career move for another year.

Also the reason the balancing is this bad, why we received one hero in 5 months (or 4 minimum) even if he bragged they could release one a month if they wanted or why the story received no updates but tracer having a girlfriend. And her role was just to be her girlfriend, a pet, not a real flushed out character.
Still, crying that OW2 is over because he is gone is a mistake. This Blizzcon was the first time I’ve heard more people than Jeff talk about the game in the same time. Maybe the team will be okay since they all worked hard for all of this.
Again, he is not a God, the team is not incompetent but Activision will try some shady stuff so yeah… we shall see.
Also Jeff left because he wanted so if everything comes crashing down we at least know who the captain that jumped the ship was.