If you play with 200 ping

Don’t play Projectile heroes. ESPECIALLY on HOG. Otherwise it will be gameplay sabotage, whether you like it or not. Lately ISP is not working well, my ping has increased x3. If earlier I could crash Hook due to ping 1 in 100 games, now EVERY game this happens at least 10 times. You just hit the Hook on the target and the animation happens as if you hit a wall.

Take a step after Hook and then shoot? Forget it, any target will run away.

How is this gameplay sabotage?

You shouldn’t play competitive with high ping in the first place, but if you do then it’s indeed reportable.

But you never mentioned comp… so if you’re reporting users in QP/Arcade for playing with high ping then ok…

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These issues plague the game if your ping is higher than about 20, are you really going to report maybe 90% of the players for gameplay sabotage?


wouldn’t be better to play projectile heroes rather than hitscan? Hitscan needs to be precise while someone like Torb can place a turret and gain extra damage by shooting in your general direction since you doesn’t really need to aim or rather your shots travel and someone will mostly likely run into them.

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200 ping you play no dps or tanks you can just stuck with Mercy Moira or Zen, more than 150 you start to have teleportations …

Playing Hanzo with high ping is an advantage /s

If you play consistently with 200 ping, there’s nothing wrong with that. Since you’ll just get the rank you deserve.

But sure, if your latency is much slower and choppier than normal, you should stay away from online games until it’s fixed.


imagine getting reported for having bad internet connection…


Restart your modem, it may help.

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Well do note that if you play a competitive game whilst knowing you have unstable network that it can have a big impact on other users.

Quick play and other modes are fine imo, though you could ruin matches.

I can’t play this game when my ping goes to 60. How can any of you play it at 200

If your ping is that high I would advice using a powerline. I use a D-Link DHP 600av and I never have problems.

Though you could be having a high ping for a number of reasons.

If the ping is stable, lets say that it’s fixed on 160, then after you get used to it, you are not going to have a bad time.

But if the ping jumps from 100 to 150 every so often, then yeah… That is when it becomes almost unplayable.

Even jumps from 50 to 80 can mess you up.

same issues with 50 ping, it is hook problem, not latency

Upto 160 is playable anything above is practically throwing unless you are playing ball or lucio.

guess ksaa bout to gameplay sabotage in OWL boys rank 1 hog main with 120 ms cant play on 200 because some forum user said so!!! :DDDD

I’ve played on 200 ping with people in other continents and been fine it depends if the ping is stable. Some pro players play on 200 ping it’s doable your connection must be stable and keep at the same ping if not then yeah it will lag

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Forum users are so sensitive to everything.I’ve seen a post saying some lucio was “soft throwing” becouse he used healing aura more.Sometimes my internet workes perfectly fine and it just dies and I have 250ping for 10 seconds.Its not game sabotage if I dont have any control over it.

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I can literally play the game fine at 150 ping. 200 yeah it gets hard but 150 i can do. I usually play around 70 - 80 ping but reporting for gameplay sabotage? Wow

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Its latency problem, but no only. Also packet loss, but this really ez fix then ping.
On low ping its no big problem only because smal window for this.

For example, with ping 60 you can right click on the RoadHog and after deploying the projectile get sleep, look at your clip – you have 5/5 ammo, when on your screen you actually hit enemy ana.

At the same time, for tens of hours, you are unlikely to see more than a couple of times that you hit Hook clearly at the enemy, but then the animation suddenly became such as if you hit a wall or missed, and Hook came back.

But the situation when you hit a Hook, but after a COUNTED hit it was canceled is not uncommon. There are 2 options - check for LOS (canseled by vision blocked wall) and … PING (tracer can use blink after hook and hide behind wall, for example). Also big hero hitboxes.


But it was impossible to play with what was happening in my game