If you play "only" comp for 6000 hours and can't get out of Silver

Should you play another game ?

You should play what you enjoy

If you’re bad but you have a good time, then keep playing :man_shrugging: If you’re amazing but it’s like pulling teeth, play something else


Depends if you’re enjoying the 50/50 winrate.

If you’ve made friends and are having “mostly” fun then doesn’t matter about rank. If you’re tilted a lot and going offline angry then move on.

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No, it just means that your skill level is at silver. Not everyone is meant to be a Grandmaster and Silver players make up a sizeable portion of the game.

Why would it matter if you’re “bad” if everyone else around you is also equally “bad”?

its probably a hardware/ping/framerate issue at that point. people can be bad, but not so bad they wouldn’t be able to get out of the second worst tier in the game, you probs have other issues than skill.

I get it if you want to have fun… you’d play non competitive right?

If you’ve played a DPS for over 6.5k hours and haven’t been above 2.2k mmr… don’t you feel you’re hurting your team trying to get out of gold queue’ing up for DPS?

No because they’re also at that rank for a reason. Though if you’re looking to improve take a look at what you play or your set-up

Considering that one quarter of the playerbase is at silver and below, I don’t see anything wrong with being a silver player.

IMO, anyone that try their hardest to improve should be able to reach at least gold (ie, the median rank). But not everyone have the time, resources or desire to improve as a player. For many people, this is leisure time, and they like it this way.

I have a friend that is probably the best Lúcio I ever play with, and he was stuck in high bronze for almost a year. He was forced to learn Widowmaker to escape there, and as soon as he hit a SR where we could group together, he skyrocketed to high gold in one week. And he is still holding his grounds at this level. But he did invested all free time he had for 2-3 months to “git gud” at the game. That’s not a level of dedication you can expect from everyone at the lower ranks.

No, you have the right to play Torbjorn only hammer during 6000H, playing badly is not reportable !

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There is nothing wrong with not having a good rank, even with a lot of play time. Games should be fun, and as long as you still enjoy the game and are trying your best then don’t worry about it.

If your goal is to improve it will take dedicated effort and being able to step back and analyze what you are doing wrong. Reading some guides, getting some coaching/VOD review can help a lot if you are struggling to identify the issues in your play.

I have close to 1000 hours before I could get out of Gold into Plat. My honest tip is just abuse the broken heroes.

The game is not close to even being a balanced thing. And patches hit to keep stringing players along. A hero will get a buff to be a monster, then nerfed, then next season another hero is buffed to a monster. Once you understand this, you can abuse it to SR climb. It’s sad to say, but it’s true.

Last season was Hanzo/Brig. Then they nerfed Brig into the ground. Then McRightClick came back and now Reaper. Abuse them for as much SR as you can as they will be nerfed, and then next season like magic, there will be another hero that gets broken that you can climb with.

It took me almost 1000 hours to understand heroes like Sombra, Sym, Torb, Bastion, etc will never, ever be usable. Ever. And Blizzard has no intentions of changing that. Just pick Reaper every game for now and you’ll climb for free. Next season, see who gets “buffed” then just do the same with them.

the guy with the highest level in the game was last Gold Im pretty sure lol

Quick play isn’t fun.
Add multiple rounds to quick play and I’d enjoy it, losing because the worse team pulls out cheese isn’t fun.

you should just accept that you’re a silver level player.

Or there’s something seriously wrong with how you play, which kept you in silver for 6000 hours.