If you people want dive to end

Nerfing doesn’t mean remove from the game…

If you give Winston a slight nerf then dive goes from being the go-to comp on almost every map to being an ‘option’ you can run if you think it will work best.

Dive is currently too strong, bring down Winston (D.Va is a completely different issue) and the comp becomes weaker.

Dive meta is the best so far and need great team play to be successful. It shows how good the pros work togheter something we will never see in random comp match.


Yeah, dive’s cool, but when it’s run every single game by every single team it becomes super stale.

It’s so frustrating to watch a pro match where everything comes down to ‘who can coordinate their shift key pressing the best’

What we need are counters to dive. Heroes who can deal with mobility without being strong against heroes without mobility.

Sombra hack seemed to be the solution, but because Sombra is a flanker herself, will she not always be there to protect a chokepoint/area.

I hope Torbjorn and Symmetra will be reworked to fit this role.

That’s the real problem. Things that shut down mobility, even in other games, have proved more than problematic for more immoble heroes.


According to Geoff, the man in charge if balancing, was Mei designed to fill this role.
She doesn’t has movement abilities, because she is designed to slow down and stop movements.

They even nerfed her secondary fire and buffed her primary in the beta to fit this role better.

The problem is that mobile heroes like Genji and Tracer are the least affected by it. In fact, heroes with no mobility like Reinhardt and Ana are the most affected by it. And developers are scared of buffing her because she feels overwhelming which makes her current role point staller instead of slowing down movement.

And because I don’t think they will buff Mei any time soon am I hoping that Symmetra or Torbjorn could fit this role.

I don’t understand why they’re considering increasing the time the person’s frozen Instead of decreasing the time it takes to freeze someone which is the real problem for Mei countering high mobility heroes imho.

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I don;t think people want to dive to die, but it would be nice to see if not be so prevalent. I want to see much more in comps in OWL besides dive and variations thereof. We do get a little depending on the map, and thats good. the problem is that dive is pretty much good in every situation.

Very true. Winston at the game’s release was very strong because you were able to run two Winstons. When a single hero limit was implemented, Winston became much weaker. Then when D.Va was buffed, Winston became very strong again. It’s all about his synergy with other heroes, not about his individual toolkit.

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Winston is fine in my opinion.
D.va…could do with some toning down in at least one area. She’s practically a 600hp mobile DPS. There’s no reason to have the HP of a Roadhog, armor, defense matrix, the ability to fly, plus a second life.


When we have no restrictions on team comps the meta will always revolve around the single strongest strategy. If dive is artificially removed soon the other comp will take it’s place.

We only had 1 period with dive/deathball balance on pro scene and it was right before Winston buffs.

Because neither of them feel particularly OP to play as or against. I don’t think Dive is dominant because of any hero is too strong. I feel it’s just the nature of the game based on it’s map design, and the core objectives of the game.

I just don’t feel like direct heroes nerfs will be good in the long run. Mobility is always going to be dominant unless the nerf the heroes into the ground to where no one wants to play them, or the slower heroes are OP.

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Without Winston there is no dive.


20 chars.

Because Dive was in full swing before either were touched. Indicating that neither of them were the instigator for Dive meta.

Winston has only gotten one perceivable buff (which happened months into the dive meta) which was his shield CD change.

D.va went through all sort of changes but this also occured well after dive was in full swing.

These two do not define the meta. They benefit from it.

He has 60dps and a maximum range of 8 metres how is that “too strong”

dive is probably one of the better comps to watch and probably more skill and coordination to play tbh.

people like seeing things get blown up.

I don’t think many people want dive gone completely, I think people just want it to be optional, not mandatory.

DVA takes a lot of skill to pull off effectively. I agree, winston should be changed.

Because having bigger numbers doesn’t dictate strength in this game.