If you genuinely believe a hero should be bad

I like everything about that except buffing sentry damage. He does not need more damage.

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Think of it as concentrating it the damage with longer, more frequent reloads you would get nothing out of just sitting holding M1.

Actually makes it easier for stuff like DM or Grasp to soak it, while still shredding barriers and fools enough to step in it.

The ideology between most. Not all but most higher tier players, (not meaning gm and t500, between pro scenes, and scrim teams etc) and casual players, who mostly play between plat and masters

Is that most of the casual players just want the game to be fun to play, while the higher tier players want the game to be balanced

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Yeah I see what you want to did, but still, 480dps or whatever it is, is perfectly enough reward, especially considering the transformation buff. He only needs to quickly burst down targets to gain reward.

Honestly though, I’d rather just go for a rework than these changes. He’s such a toxic hero, tbh. It’s sad that I used to support fully buffing him Lul.

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Honestly, that’s not what I see at all. Streamers and pro players are a constant source of complaints, principally about ‘low skill’ and ‘anti-fun’ heroes.

They literally lobbied for Sombra nerfs at a point where she was bad and about to be slightly buffed. And succeeded and she ended up in an even worse state than before the attempt at buffing her.

If they ever wanted to talk balance, they’d be banging the freaking door down at Jeff’s office over the state of Tanks on ladder.

But they don’t. They cry about Moira and ignore Ana who by far out performs her.


It is a shame that happened, I guess this thread is relavant again:

It is quite funny in that thread, they said “nono devs do not balance around owl already” yet this experimental is literal proof they do. :neutral_face:

Streamers are mostly casual players, unless its people who are genuinely trying to go for OWL or maybe tier 2 etc, and the issue with Anti fun and Low skill are, a lot of the “low skill” heroes were a genuinely overpowered force in higher ranks, where brig for example had a was it 70% winrate for a while

Well, thats because sombra is decent, in OWL, and was quite powerful in OWL, while on ladder shes not, she is balanced at the top, but if casual players would balance her, she would be OP, because of how op some of her assets are

The issue with ladder is, you cant balance ladder. Some heroes will ALWAYS Be op in bronze, while being trash in gm, and heroes that are OP in gm can be trash in Bronze, widow for example, is absolutely overpowered in higher tiers, while shes horrible in bronze.

Honestly, I agree.
The only big difference between ladder and OWL is consistency in team play, due to being on a team. So either give us guilds, or balance around GM. I just can’t argue they should balance around OWL anymore, when OWL is really really balanced right now, and ladder isn’t. At least balancing around GM is balancing around good players, but something that’s realistic for us on ladder to do, as opposed to OWL, which is basically impossible.


How do you distinguish when someone dislikes a character that is unbalanced from one that is? Isn’t a general discontent a good sign of unbalance? I hear you saying “objective”, but lets bear in mind the big man Jeff K. himself said that it isn’t just a numbers game, player perception plays a role in balancing as well.

Most heroes are balanced at most ranks of the game. Look at the actual data.

Sombra isn’t even good in OWL anymore in any case.

As for Brig, so what, honestly? Ana is still better, Lucio is up there and Moira is now nowhere and you still want nerfs. You got 7 heroes in that role? Will you only be happy when it’s Bap-Ana all the way down? Probably not because Immortality and Antiheal.

we have a long list of dumpstered heroes, so im not sure where is exactly the problem, but i think its not players, but biased devs maybe.
if 50 is balanced, 0 is ruined and 100 broken OP… they are unable to pick 60 or 40 , but immediately jump to 0 or 100. theres a problem somewhere

There’s a difference when people are literally stating openly and without a hint of irony, that they believe a hero should be bad and does not deserve to be played at higher levels.

I cannot disagree with this - given the literally years they have to try changes, the heavy-handedness when the finally do is infuriating to everyone. Its gotten so bad you can almost predict which nerfs and buffs will remain in place and those that won’t.

In that case I agree, just make sure that’s clear in your opening statement because it reads like you are saying that merely disliking or objecting to a character is just arbitrary and automatically lacks justification.

There is nothing ambiguous about what I said at all. The title is abundantly clear: if you believe a hero should be bad. Actually bad. Then you’re clearly not adding anything rational to the discussion.

Literally what you just said is the problem -

All the things you dismissed are germain to questions of accepting a character and in the process them being balanced. A kit that employs little to no skill that is too effective at higher tiers (but not limited to) literally defeats the purpose in competing, and OW is a competitive game.

Trust me - as a Mei player, Brig player, Sombra I hear you, but at the same time at some point we have to say, look, even if a mechanic is balanced, is it so annoying to so many players its just not good for the game as a whole. To me you are simply throwing this concept out entirely, and I don’t believe even Blizzard goes this far. And some mechanics are so ridiculous they might intrinsically be unbalanced… you cannot rule that out.

I hate roadhog, but he has a big head, so…

…he kinda redeems himself

I’m just not understanding your confusion here at all.

The title of the thread is crystal clear. The opening paragraph applies context of “other arguments” people provide as to why they don’t like the things. They can in and of themselves be a valid complaint.

However, the rest explains how these are not discussion of balance, and aren’t being used to an end of achieving balance, but instead to unbalance a hero to their detriment.

Because what is “balanced” per Blizzard standards is not purely statistical, player sentiment is one of the factors.

I am not confused in the least btw :wink:

Putting too much weight on player sentiments is exactly why we end up with heroes getting dumpstered.