If you don't support

… your tank, on any role you’re playing, you’re a garbage tier player. This is Overwatch 101. It is both the DPS and Supports job to support the tank. End of story. If you disagree - you’re trash.

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doesn’t this go for any role to any role? besides tank supporting support since that would be least optimal


Its also the Tanks role to support the DPS and Supports. It’s also the role of the DPS to support the Tank and Supports. Can you guess the last one? XD

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This is why this game sucks. No one can agree with an obvious truth. Just played a game where both dps had 0 assist. We lost, if it wasn’t obvious.

It is not the tanks job to support the team. They support the team by being an enmity sponge. If you think the tank is suppose retreat from his action to support any of the other 4 players because they’re in trouble, you are mistaken… If I can help one when i see them, sure. That is not how this game works though. You have a tank. He/She is your main tool. If you don’t support them, they can not do what needs to be done to win the match.

Yes it is. If you play tank to be a sponge, you’re doing it wrong. They use their ability to sponge damage to take positions and pressure targets, not just to absorb damage requiring tons of healing. Tanks should avoid damage as much as anyone else, and think of their tankiness as another ability - the cooldown being healing. By playing to soak damage you’re taking up extra resources that the rest of your team needs.

Sometimes they should do exactly that. And they should try to position themselves so that it remains an option to do so. If you leave supports to defend themselves when flanked, you don’t get healed while they’re dealing with the threat. In this case, even if you don’t help them it’s now in your best interest to retreat.

So play however you want and expect your team to enable you, while only enabling them when it’s convenient?

You have a tank. He/She is a powerful tool. One that makes up 20% of your team. One that relies heavily on at least 40% of the rest of the team.

This is true of every role. Sometimes supports healing you is what needs to be done to win, so if you don’t support them…


You are the clueless teammate I’m talking about. You basically mis-stated every position I stated.

Emnity does not mean HP. It means agro.

Save your breath loser.

The clueless teammate you were talking about doesn’t support their tank. I certainly do :slight_smile:

I don’t disagree that people should support their tank.

Sorry, I read enemy. But doesn’t change anything in my response. Tanks should still support their teammates.

Hey, that’s not very nice. Did you come here for discussion or to rant? If the latter, maybe you should save your breath as it’s been done countless times upon deaf ears already.

How convenient of you to leave the first sentence, the main point out of your reply. If your dps have 0 assists, grats on your loss. You have proved nothing that I’ve said to be wrong. Contrary to your stupid a$$ opinion, Tanks do not have the time to be paying attention to every teammate to save them. And I stated, if I see them, sure help them out. Tanks aren’t called support for a reason. It’s obvious that you help a teammate in need if you see it.

Convenient? I didn’t really have anything to say about it… I’ll reply to it though if it’s the main point.

I thought you said nobody can agree with an obvious truth in reference to the replies above you, but I didn’t think those people disagreed with you. They just added that tank should also support their teammates… Didn’t really know what to say man, sorry. As for your game with both dps having 0 assists, that sucks dude. We all have games with teammates performing poorly. But also, the number of assists one should expect varies quite a bit depending on a hero’s abilities.

Okay? Like the others, only adding that tanks should also support their teammates. (I actually agree with you that DPS and support should support the tank).

Man, why so hostile? Yes they do. I also play tank. Saving a teammate usually means securing a kill and not losing your healing…

The way this has come off has been that the rest of the team needs to do their job while keeping an awareness of you to support you when needed, but you can forget about them and focus on the fight in front of you and help them when the happen to be in your sight. I just think that the tank should be just as aware of his team as his supports are.

Then why aren’t DPS called support?

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Dude just play Ball. Your team will mald but at least you don’t really need to rely on them for anything besides existing and occasionally pressing W.

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can you post a replay so we can see what youre doing wrong? maybe youll learn something

So based on your take I’m going to presume your in metal ranks and that’s fine, I am too for tank.

The tank is arguably the most powerful person on the field and also the pseudo leader. If you don’t protect your dps and support you can’t expect them to pop off.

When I play zarya with a flanker and I see them taking enemy attention I bubble them. Why? Because they are doing their job by pressuring the enemy so I extend that pressure by keeping them alive.

You must be Nostradamus, because that’s exactly what I do.

Depends on the match I guess I’ve seen roadhogs go ham and dont know when to use their self heal, or other tanks go charging in when they are alone. That is your situation, the situation of the rest of us is very different. I always support good tanks.

I kill flankers that go after my support and DPS when I play tank. Tanks are protectors of the team not an idiot who stands in the open and takes the entire enemy team’s damage just to die. I’m a support main though. I don’t support tanks who are dumb. I don’t follow tanks who overextend. I need to stay alive as support to keep teammates alive not die with the tank.

You’re wasting support by doing that. We can help with damage. If you stand there 1v5 and take too much damage, I support DPS instead. No sense in trying to out heal an impossible amount of damage.

as a support main , if the tank is just going to stay in los of the enemy teams fire im not going be able to keep him up , if a tank cant or wont or doesnt pull back when low health and expects to stay alive they are sorely mistaken ,

the team isnt there just for the tank , its there to play together and win if that means hiding behind cover to re heal / regroup instead of pushing when everyone is low health then thats what needs to happen ,

selfish tanks lose matches ,

From what I read, the idea this person has about playing tank is to press W, hit enemies, press W, etc. and that’s all.
0 awareness of the fight, 0 awareness of where the team is (maybe all killed by some flankers), 0 help to the rest of the team.
If all you give is brainlessly hitting enemies like an immortal god, don’t expect to rank up.
Simply, when you reach your rank you will start losing more. There won’t be progression and it will only be your fault.