If You Could Remove a Character from the Game

Dont bother the unskilled will always complain

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How DARE you besmirch the voice of Travis Willingham!

(I kid)

Hmmm I kinda wanna say Mercy or Symm-but only for the fact of how south their reworks went. Mercy’s kits is all wonky and jarring and really should be taken apart and looked at again.

And Symm has had a third rework and she’s STILL isn’t in a place where the devs want her to be at.

Things like buffs and number adjustments can only do so much for heroes who have kits and abilities that kinds go against the flow of the game.

I wouldn’t remove any heroes. In fact, I’d like more.


If i could remove one… probably Genji. He has a kit that is naturally annoying. He is constantly jumping around and climbing everywhere, then when he is In your face, spams tons of fan shurikens, and as he is about to die, deflects then dashes away. He also has his ult, with its extremely large hitbox, that just destroys everyone. None of this takes an extreme amount of skill, and his kit is super forgiving, yet people still say he is super difficult.



Coz at low levels where l play he is played with extreme selfishness playing with or against him.
Never helps the team, they just sit in their little hiding spot waiting for their extremely cheesy flashbang fth combo.

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Bastion, his kit heavily breaks tiers already.

Brigitte. Nerfing her barely had an effect.

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Probably Widow. Unless they had kept Doomfist at the height of his power level, then Doomfist.

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sombra. anyone who says differently is wrong. if you check my career profile you’ll see that I am 100% not biased and that this is actual fact


Widow probably. I dunno it’s too hard to choose one.

I have a feeling that I’m actually in the minority with this choice. I can deal with every other BS crap in the game. Instant kill headshots that hit the space 4 feet to your right, no brain healbot with autoaim, “Haha. Killed your supports. Wow Dejavu”, inspire me to put a fork in my eye socket. The one I can’t stand is Mei. She’s incredibly strong. Ability to shut down any push? Ability to contest the point infinitely for 4 seconds? Ability to body block almost everything in the game? Most effective ult to wipe a point, even better than the massive nuke? Ability to shoot zero drop projectiles that headshot with no falloff? Ability to freeze me solid and force me to look into her cold, dead eyes while she proceeds to send a massive chunk of ice up my left nostril with absolutely nothing I can do about it? Yea. Screw Mei.

I think Widow, Hanzo, Mei, And all the other characters

It would really make the game easier if you know what I mean

Widow, Hanzo because they are too oppresive.

There is an easier way to stop them from being oppressive without deleting them, better level design, the only reason they can keep the pressure is because the game has too many chokepoints and not many viable flank routes.

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Whoa man


You can’t compare the two. At all. Not even a little bit. Tracer’s output is nothing compared to the rest of the team’s…

Sombra or widow.

sombra gives free fights as long as your team isnt full of bots
widow deletes people from 8 miles away and is generally just annoying to play against

I would actually remove Mercy, as much as I love her and despise other characters. Her rez has been a cause of turmoil since the game launched and because PharMercy exists, Pharah will never actually get a real buff. I can’t remember what thread it was but there have been a few discussions about how Pharah hasnt really changed since the beginning but she will never get better specifically because Mercy exists for PharMercy.

That being said, Sombra is a very very close second. #DeleteSombra

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She has changed a bit, sadly towards lazy low risk high reward tho.

I feel like her most recent ‘buff’ fixed that since they now force you to be more accurate if you want to deal any real damage.