If you could only play one game for rest of your life

Treyarch’s Cod just because of zombies. Time to waste my hours of life going for round 100+. If anything though I’ll just stick with Overwatch being my primary game.

Overwatch without Spamfist.

Overwatch without Doomfist, Brigitte and Hammond.

didnt even count that lol…
WoW is life really, not a game, so it shouldnt count :smiley:

IM zero worried because we literally already have Elder Scrolls Online, they aren’t gonna put a competing product out to compete with themselves

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That eases my mind a bit then. Never thought I’d say thank goodness for ESO, but, man, thank goodness for ESO.

Yeah I have total faith ES6 will be a good old single player, hopefully in Summerset Isles or Black Marsh (my two wishes for locations) There was a leak a while back that said it took place mainly in Black marsh, and about Argonians, but that theyd introduce a new race for the game that are bird-like humanoids

Tf2 is pretty good

In the next 5 years? Hopefuly GTA 6 would be out, so definitely that.

It’s a fairly relaxing game and it has lots to do in Story mode and Online. /shrug

This IS a really hard question.

I’m torn between Monster Hunter: ??? and Warframe.

If I had to pick right now, I’d play Warframe, hands down. Though, if I got bored of it I’d like to switch to MH.
(Fortuna Expansion is mini MH, change my mind.)

I don’t regret saying so, either. Warframe is a great game. MH is also fun.

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Any open source game since I can rewrite it into whatever I want for infinite replayability!

Hmmmm. :thinking: Bravely Default or Second probably… definitely not Overwatch. Maybe Unison League.

One game for the rest of my life?

Probably the original Destiny. I spent over a thousand hours on the first game and all its DLC. It was so much fun. Even the grinding portions, I would just put on a TV show or some music and grind it out. It was so freaking relaxing.

I just wish Destiny 2 was actual DLC instead of a separate game.

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It sounds like you find this game fun, please can you inlighten me on what I missed out on the 15 minutes I tried the game out?

WoW I guess. I didn’t play Legion, but BfA is shaping up nice and I spent 9 years playing not a lot else but that beforehand so I figure I can live with it.

Overwatch, but maybe slightly modified atm, and without Brig, Doomfist, Mei, and Sombra. This could change in the future though.

No Man’s Sky - Infinite procedurally generated universe, with the ability to put portals and go to/from any planets you like.

Is Overwatch an option?

The Life
“Are you sure life isn’t a game, Soldier 76?”
- D.Va

(gib like for being deep pls)


Smash bros

Fire Emblem Awakening

