If we're buffing orisa, We need to be careful 🛑

correlation is not causation. Again, Orisa being bad right now could be caused, for example, by the possibility of someone swapping to Zen to break shields faster.

You don’t know for a fact that she’s bad in a vacuum. It could just be an unfavorable meta. Typically when you play offmeta characters, there is a counterpick that is also offmeta that counters your offmeta pick. For example Reaper vs Winston.

So again winrates are not necessarily indicative that the hero is UP you could ban Zen and Reaper 1 week and I bet her winrate would go up 5% or more.

We don’t need to buff heroes needlessly because there is a counter to them in the game that happens to be easy, not hard, to flex to in current meta.

Nerf the counters instead maybe. As an example in my opinion Reaper could use 1-2 more s on Wraith and more sound on Shadowstep.

I don’t know, I feel like bunker meta was way overblown. Everyone got so caught up in halt hooks that they ceased trying to counter it altogether.

Orisa Sigma made sense as a dominant meta because it was the first time that sort of strategy was viable. They’ve tuned those three tanks down now, so we should be fine buffing Orisa back up a little.

But yeah, bunker wasn’t much different than pirate ship strategies, with the addition of Baptiste being the only real difference. Baptiste was never exceedingly good though, so I doubt he was carrying that meta in much capacity.

Bunker was the first time Orisa was meta, so I think that one may have cropped up not because she was too strong, but more because people didn’t understand how to deal with Orisa properly since she wasn’t highly utilized before that.


That, and your compensatory Fortify change, are “small” changes?

Small is relative I guess.

A large or normal rework would be like what Mercy/Hanzo/Sym all got.

I was referring to how her abilities play out with my “doesn’t belong” remark. I didn’t wanna emphasize the shooting aspect, more the strategy, HP management, mouse flicking etc one. Winston doesn’t take aim but actually takes good mechanics and is one of the hardest tanks to play. Requires a ton of gamesense too. Orisa, you could program AI to play her I’m very sure.

Well, if you look at the statistically most played heroes, a lot of her counters aren’t actually being played. We’re seeing a very solid amount of hitscans who are supposed to be relatively weak against her.

Also, she should have a higher winrate in her niche situations she is played in. But, she isn’t.

I still firmly believe that a buff from 600 to 700 HP barrier will not hurt much.

there is no need to buff her rework and make her both more dynamic (= not camping 1 spot) and skill based yes, buff I’m absolutely against it.

Yeah, but the dumbed down version is basically just a glorified “1 Barrier Tank per team maximum”, but without blocking doubleofftank.

That’s cool too. I just want to see barrier tanks and main healers feel good again, without making it feel too overbearing on the rest of the game.

What I got so far.