“If we tone her down too much, we will bring her back”

I play Zarya at 3900. I know if I’m getting healed or not.

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Wait until she is nerfed and you will see how much you will get healed then.

Lool. Why is a Zarya main, who is the reason behind one of the most BS ult combos in the game, saying that Mercy deserves nerfs.


mercy has been meta since the rework she 100% deserves nerfs


Don’t you think after her 10th nerf, she’d need more than just nerfs… If a hero still remains broken and overpowered after 10 nerfs, clearly they need to get reworked again or reverted back to a less broken state.


top freaking kek.

Congrats? Enjoy your incoming nerfs as well because blizz thinks you’re the problem and not hanzo :joy:


Basically the best form of peeling where 100% of a 60 HPS goes to the target is not a problem to you when the game has reached a state where there is too much peeling and anti-dive?

It’s also a revert of a buff she received in 2016.

If it’s that bad I’ll play someone else. I don’t understand the issue here. I’m not stuck on just one hero like Mercy Ponies. I just like playing Zarya.


a buff she received in 2016 because it was deemed that 50hps was too small how’s the present any different from then?

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Because Mercy isn’t as powerful as she was back then.

you know if you’re being healed or not true. but you don’t know if the healers are healing someone else. there are other players on the team that might need healing

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yeah and the reason she’s so powerful now is because of rez. like i said i’d prefer if the nerfed/reworked w/e rez instead of her hps. at this direction people are going to rely on rez more since it’ll be easier for your teammates to die with a lower hps

They’re trying their best to make it seem like the reworked Mercy is working. They even contradicted themselves in an attempt to make the rework work.

Blizzard: ”Mercy is a solo target healer”.

A Rework Later

Blizzard: Gives Mercy AoE heals when in Valkyrie.



Accurate. Sooooo Accurate.


Well, you guys are being way too dramatic for this nerf. 60hps to 50hps, the only time you’ll actually feel the nerf is when Winston outdamages a target Mercy’s healing, but other than that I think it’ll barely make Mercy feel any less valuable.

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i know!!! this is so sad athena play despacito
jokes aside it feels so bad man cause i really think mercy is still going to be a ‘problem’ even after this nerf cause they’re pushing cd rez to be a thing. if she is still ‘problematic’ im worried they’ll nerf another part of her original kit

That’s not the point… The point is they keep nerfing an iteration of Mercy that will never be balanced.


When Mercy heals me or damage boosts her health bar pops up on my screen. It’s really useful and tells me if she’s taking damage in case I can’t hear her dying in a team fight.

To be fair the average forum user is low gold. I would never take balance suggestions seriously from anyone below diamond…


If they keep focusing on Rez and Valk.
Maybe they shouldn’t keep changing Rez and Valk.
Maybe they should do something that isn’t Rez and Valk.